test753 发表于 2006-5-24 23:05:02



falleny 发表于 2006-5-25 01:14:01


PXE2 发表于 2006-5-25 09:50:10

$ eva
Got server :
password key set!
packet exception: (cmd)0x62
packet exception -- command code: 0x62
OutPacket->encryptBody: sessionkey not set yet, set encrypted length to 0
OutPacket->encryptBody: sessionkey not set yet, set encrypted length to 0
OutPacket->encryptBody: sessionkey not set yet, set encrypted length to 0
OutPacket->encryptBody: sessionkey not set yet, set encrypted length to 0
EvaConnecter stopped
EvaConnecter stopped

xep007 发表于 2006-5-25 12:40:02


biff 发表于 2006-5-25 12:43:21


PXE2 发表于 2006-5-26 10:15:35

rm -rf .eva
$ ev
eva   evalevim
$ eva

Got server :
EvaUHProfile::loadProfile -- file not exists
password key set!
packet exception: (cmd)0x62
packet exception -- command code: 0x62
OutPacket->encryptBody: sessionkey not set yet, set encrypted length to 0
OutPacket->encryptBody: sessionkey not set yet, set encrypted length to 0
OutPacket->encryptBody: sessionkey not set yet, set encrypted length to 0
OutPacket->encryptBody: sessionkey not set yet, set encrypted length to 0
EvaConnecter stopped
EvaConnecter stopped

yunfan 发表于 2006-5-26 11:26:35

你多试几次吧, 我也试通过这样的办法帮其他人连上的。 :shock:

WeiMingzhi 发表于 2006-5-26 15:21:42

test753 发表于 2006-5-27 17:46:25

用 TCP我上去了

PXE2 发表于 2006-5-29 10:37:20

$ eva
Got server :
EvaUHProfile::loadProfile -- file not exists
password key set!
Got server :
EvaUHProfile::loadProfile -- file not exists
password key set!
Got server :
packet exception: (cmd)0x62
packet exception -- command code: 0x62
OutPacket->encryptBody: sessionkey not set yet, set encrypted length to 0
OutPacket->encryptBody: sessionkey not set yet, set encrypted length to 0
OutPacket->encryptBody: sessionkey not set yet, set encrypted length to 0
OutPacket->encryptBody: sessionkey not set yet, set encrypted length to 0
EvaConnecter stopped
get user details ERROR,stop init setting window
!get user details ERROR,stop init setting window

PXE2 发表于 2006-5-29 10:40:28


$ eva
Got server :
EvaUHProfile::loadProfile -- file not exists
connecting to ""
password key set!
got login token
login token set!
password key set!
EVA redirect to: db853e0a, 80
password key set!
session key set!
file session key set!
file share token set!
client key set!
user "624250724" logged in!
change status reply
user info
got keys reply
file agent key set!
file agent token set!
dd88ee64b578557c1be5e25e64fc3f9be2dbdbf3c9a54c80ab531dbc6346c8654167ce39226566f5be 6 a63e79f 89662e78e 03cea765e
friend list
user login process done!
upload/download group names reply
got level reply
got extra info reply
EvaUHProfile::loadProfile -- file not exists
EvaUHManager::doDnsRequest -- waiting DNS
EvaUHManager::slotDnsReady ----   got
grouped friends reply
user login process done!
got signature op reply
upload/download group names reply
got level reply
got extra info reply
EvaUHProfile::loadProfile -- file not exists
got Qun operation reply
Qun info reply ---

0:c 92b b80 87 c5 38
8:100010 70 2e
16: dd1000100
24:00000 6410
32:00 2a7 63 61 6c 69
40: 62 72 6500 4a d3 b2
48: bc fe d6 d0 b6 cf a1 a2
56: cf b5 cd b3 b5 f7 d3 c3
64: a1 a2 b4 a6 c0 ed c6 f7
72: d2 ec b3 a3 b5 c8 d5 e2
80: d0 a9 c4 da ba cb c8 eb
88: bf da b5 d8 d6 b7 cb e4
96: c8 bb ca c7 bb a5 b2 bb
104: cf e0 cd ac b5 c4 a3 ac
112: b5 ab b3 f6 bf da c8 b4
120: 46 6f 74 74 6f 6d 20 68
128: 61 6c 66 be cd b4 a6 d3
136: da cb fc c3 c7 bb e3 ba
144: cf b5 c4 b5 d8 b7 bd a1
152: a3 d4 da d5 e2 b8 f6 b5
160: d8 b7 bd a3 ac b4 e6 d4
168: da c4 da ba cb cc ac d3
176: eb d3 c3 bb a7 cc ac d6
184: ae bc e4 b5 c4 d2 bb0
192: 1d b0 b1000 27 43
200: f8000 70 2e dd0
208:02 86 a2 7a002
216: bb 5b 2c04e e4 f3
224:c00 11 28 b4 430
232:0 13 b9 a8 9c00 1c
240: 2e b7 2a00 25 35 4f
248: 6411
EvaUHManager::doDnsRequest -- waiting DNS
EvaUHManager::slotDnsReady ----   got
grouped friends reply
user login process done!
got signature op reply
got Qun operation reply
got level reply
got extra info reply
EvaUHProfile::loadProfile -- file not exists
got Qun operation reply
Qun info reply ---

0:c 92b b80 87 c5 38
8:100010 70 2e
16: dd1000100
24:00000 6410
32:00 2a7 63 61 6c 69
40: 62 72 6500 4a d3 b2
48: bc fe d6 d0 b6 cf a1 a2
56: cf b5 cd b3 b5 f7 d3 c3
64: a1 a2 b4 a6 c0 ed c6 f7
72: d2 ec b3 a3 b5 c8 d5 e2
80: d0 a9 c4 da ba cb c8 eb
88: bf da b5 d8 d6 b7 cb e4
96: c8 bb ca c7 bb a5 b2 bb
104: cf e0 cd ac b5 c4 a3 ac
112: b5 ab b3 f6 bf da c8 b4
120: 46 6f 74 74 6f 6d 20 68
128: 61 6c 66 be cd b4 a6 d3
136: da cb fc c3 c7 bb e3 ba
144: cf b5 c4 b5 d8 b7 bd a1
152: a3 d4 da d5 e2 b8 f6 b5
160: d8 b7 bd a3 ac b4 e6 d4
168: da c4 da ba cb cc ac d3
176: eb d3 c3 bb a7 cc ac d6
184: ae bc e4 b5 c4 d2 bb0
192: 1d b0 b1000 27 43
200: f8000 70 2e dd0
208:02 86 a2 7a002
216: bb 5b 2c04e e4 f3
224:c00 11 28 b4 430
232:0 13 b9 a8 9c00 1c
240: 2e b7 2a00 25 35 4f
248: 6411
EvaUHManager::doDnsRequest -- waiting DNS
EvaUHManager::slotDnsReady ----   got
got signature op reply
got Qun operation reply
页: [1]
查看完整版本: QQ升级了,eva不能用了