liuspider 发表于 2006-5-25 10:31:18

SoC 2006 project: qq in kopete

I heard that a project for implementing qq in kopete is accepted to SoC 2006, I wonder whether that is yunfan (hopefully)

test753 发表于 2006-5-25 11:29:18


yunfan 发表于 2006-5-25 13:16:28

不是我, 我没时间:neutral:

三翻领 发表于 2006-5-25 15:29:36


hooey 发表于 2006-5-25 15:47:20

William Stephenson 是 Mentor...

食古不化 发表于 2006-5-25 16:32:33



blueangel.jin 发表于 2006-5-25 23:41:35

Hi. I am working on this project. Here is the blog about the progress:

Just launch the project, setting up the working environment for qt4, kde4, so I might need to port libeva to qt4 by all means. :wink:

blueangel.jin 发表于 2006-5-26 00:03:59

终于搞定了输入法, 嘻嘻。

yunfan, 我打算port libeva到kde4, qt4的code base上,想和你联系一下,看看怎么做会比较好。基本的打算是fork一个 libeva的branch,这样就不会影响eva的开发了。可是我只会用svn, 不会cvs, 又要好好看书了。 :cry:

你可以发email 联系我: [email protected]

PXE2 发表于 2006-5-26 10:34:39

$ rm -rf .eva
$ ev
eva   evalevim
$ eva

Got server :
EvaUHProfile::loadProfile -- file not exists
password key set!
packet exception: (cmd)0x62
packet exception -- command code: 0x62
OutPacket->encryptBody: sessionkey not set yet, set encrypted length to 0
OutPacket->encryptBody: sessionkey not set yet, set encrypted length to 0
OutPacket->encryptBody: sessionkey not set yet, set encrypted length to 0
OutPacket->encryptBody: sessionkey not set yet, set encrypted length to 0
EvaConnecter stopped
EvaConnecter stopped

blueangel.jin 发表于 2006-5-26 11:55:18

cvs的eva可以用啊。 但是加人好像有问题阿。

yunfan 发表于 2006-5-26 13:06:36

cvs的eva可以用啊。 但是加人好像有问题阿。

置顶那个补丁版, 可以暂时解决加人的问题。


liuspider 发表于 2006-5-27 21:27:26

faint, gaim also got a QQ related SoC:

QQ Support for Gaim/Adium
by Mark Huetsch, mentored by Sean Egan

mandrakechina 发表于 2006-5-27 23:06:27

But I don't think there will be a long-live QQ plugin like lumaQQ.

yunfan 发表于 2006-5-27 23:53:41

Google 还是牛啊, google喜欢什么, 就做什么。:neutral:

我在想,一旦 summer 过去, 这些project 的命运如何? 学生们还继续维护么? 这个似乎很难得到保证。

mandrakechina 发表于 2006-5-28 00:01:26

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