行走之间 发表于 2007-10-6 12:50:38

pidgin rpm版本安装问题


# rpm -ivh pidgin-2.2.1-0.src.rpm
warning: pidgin-2.2.1-0.src.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID a9464aa9
   1:pidgin               warning: user machbuild does not exist - using root
warning: group machbuild does not exist - using root
warning: user machbuild does not exist - using root
warning: group machbuild does not exist - using root


mandrakechina 发表于 2007-10-6 16:00:08


行走之间 发表于 2007-10-6 16:47:49


To install Pidgin on CentOS 4 or 5, or RHEL 5, save the pidgin.repo file from above in /etc/yum.repos.d/

You can then use "yum install pidgin", or your favorite package manager, to install Pidgin

To install Pidgin on RHEL 4, add the following line to /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources:
yum pidgin http://rpm.pidgin.im/rhel/4/$ARCH

You will also need to install the GPG signing key manually:
rpm --import http://rpm.pidgin.im/RPM-GPG-KEY-pidgin

You can then use "up2date -u pidgin" to install Pidgin.

kun973xj 发表于 2008-1-21 18:26:27

rpm -ivh finch-2.3.1-0.fc6.i386.rpm
warning: finch-2.3.1-0.fc6.i386.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID a9464aa9
error: Failed dependencies:
      libpurple = 2.3.1 is needed by finch-2.3.1-0.fc6.i386
      libpurple.so.0 is needed by finch-2.3.1-0.fc6.i386

行走之间 发表于 2008-1-26 21:15:48

我的老机子装了magic linux无法进入图形界面,已经装了ubuntu并运行流畅,里面有自带了pidgin。

[ 本帖最后由 行走之间 于 2008-1-26 21:17 编辑 ]
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