jemball 发表于 2008-8-8 08:41:16

SSH 问题求助

rhel4.1的ssh服务器,我用windows的ssh client连接时,出现下面的提示对话框:

Either the administrator of the remote host computer has changed the host identification, or The ssh protocol has been upgraded from SSH1 to SSH2, or SOMEONE COULD BE EAVESDROPPING ON YOU RIGHT NOW (man-in-the-middle attack). It is NOT RECOMMENDED to connect to the remote host computer until you have contacted the system administrator and found out why the host identification has changed. The fingerprint of the host public key is "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"...



1、这个问题发生在我将ssh服务器改了一个IP后,客户机ssh连不上了,重启sshd都不行。我尝试卸载了openssh-server包,并删除了/etc/ssh /etc/ssh2 /root/.ssh /root/.ssh2,重新装过openssh-server包,问题同样。

2、现在看/root下面只有.ssh2目录。ls -h -a /root/.ssh2/hostkeys,没看见我这台客户机的IP,只看见另一台的,那是一台linux机,我将它的公钥文件删除了,再连,问题还是照旧。

3、现在是所有的客户机都连不上,包括windows、linux、webmin、路由器的ssh2等等。而且,可以肯定的是,密码已经验证过关了(有提示Login & password accepted),用户profile的脚本也已经执行了,就是没命令行出来。

4、日志显示已正常登陆,session open for user ……

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