harcoo 发表于 2006-7-17 23:53:47

很不错的初学例子,可惜是非操作系统下的,能否给个uclinux下的application的hello world的例子,这样会经典的很啊!

mxch 发表于 2006-10-4 17:24:22

[email protected]

zjuwufan 发表于 2006-11-3 19:30:51


rurality 发表于 2006-11-5 21:52:24


$skyeye -e hello
arch: arm
cpu info: armv3, arm7tdmi, 41007700, fff8ff00, 0
mach info: name at91, mach_init addr 0x4117d0
log_info: Error logon value 2
log_info: log is off.
log_info:log file is ./sk1.log, fd is 0x100f02b4
log_info: log start clock 0
log_info: log end clock 200000
SKYEYE: use arm7100 mmu ops
exec file "hello"'s format is elf32-little.
load section .text: addr = 0x01000000size = 0x00000044.
load section .rodata.str1.4: addr = 0x01000044size = 0x0000000c.
load section .data: addr = 0x01002000size = 0x00001000.
not load section .comment: addr = 0x00000000size = 0x00000012 .
not load section .debug_abbrev: addr = 0x00000000size = 0x00000078 .
not load section .debug_info: addr = 0x00000000size = 0x000000c2 .
not load section .debug_line: addr = 0x00000000size = 0x00000075 .
not load section .debug_pubnames: addr = 0x00000000size = 0x0000001c .
not load section .debug_aranges: addr = 0x00000000size = 0x00000040 .
not load section .debug_frame: addr = 0x00000000size = 0x00000020 .
not load section .debug_str: addr = 0x00000000size = 0x0000004d .
start addr is set to 0x01000000 by exec file.
N 12 :p 1000038,i 1afffffb,R fffd0fff,100004e,1000047,6c,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,10020
00,1000010,1000040,C d2,S 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,M 12,B 2,E 0,I 0,P 0,T 0,L 0,D 0,
N 13 :p 100002c,i e4d23001,R fffd0fff,100004e,1000047,6c,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,10020
00,1000010,1000034,C d2,S 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,M 12,B 2,E 0,I 0,P 0,T 0,L 0,D 0,
N 14 :p 1000030,i e1520001,R fffd0fff,100004e,1000048,6c,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,10020
00,1000010,1000038,C d2,S 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,M 12,B 2,E 0,I 0,P 0,T 0,L 0,D 0,
N 15 :p 1000034,i e5003fe3,R fffd0fff,100004e,1000048,6c,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,10020
00,1000010,100003c,C d2,S 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,M 12,B 2,E 0,I 0,P 0,T 0,L 0,D 0,
N 16 :p 1000038,i 1afffffb,R fffd0fff,100004e,1000048,6c,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,10020
00,1000010,1000040,C d2,S 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,M 12,B 2,E 0,I 0,P 0,T 0,L 0,D 0,
N 17 :p 100002c,i e4d23001,R fffd0fff,100004e,1000048,6c,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,10020
00,1000010,1000034,C d2,S 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,M 12,B 2,E 0,I 0,P 0,T 0,L 0,D 0,
N 18 :p 1000030,i e1520001,R fffd0fff,100004e,1000049,6f,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,10020
00,1000010,1000038,C d2,S 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,M 12,B 2,E 0,I 0,P 0,T 0,L 0,D 0,
N 19 :p 1000034,i e5003fe3,R fffd0fff,100004e,1000049,6f,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,10020
00,1000010,100003c,C d2,S 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,M 12,B 2,E 0,I 0,P 0,T 0,L 0,D 0,
N 1a :p 1000038,i 1afffffb,R fffd0fff,100004e,1000049,6f,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,10020

ksh 发表于 2006-11-6 11:32:19


lurkers 发表于 2006-11-22 21:13:51

arm-linux-ld -p -X -Thello.ldsstart.o hello.o -o hello
arm-linux-ld: hello:没有足够的空间保存程序头,试用 -N 进行连接
arm-linux-ld: final link failed: 错误的值
并且 hello.lds和Start.S中的错误都已经改过来了啊.

zjz_lgd 发表于 2006-12-11 16:23:36

zjz@19216811:~/SoftWare/Hello4Skyeye> skyeye hello
SKYEYE: If you have ELF kernel file, please use -e option to indicate your ELF f ormat kernel filename
SKYEYE: If you only have kernel binary image, you should put the filename of ker nel binary image in skyeye.conf file
Non-option argument hello
arch: arm
cpu info: armv3, arm7tdmi, 41007700, fff8ff00, 0
mach info: name at91, mach_init addr 0x805a020
log_info: log is off.
log_info:log file is ./sk1.log, fd is 0x80b1228
log_info: log start clock 0
log_info: log end clock 200000
SKYEYE: use arm7100 mmu ops

ksh 发表于 2006-12-11 17:01:43

That is very clear, you should read the message:
SKYEYE: If you have ELF kernel file, please use -e option to indicate your ELF f ormat kernel filename
SKYEYE: If you only have kernel binary image, you should put the filename of ker nel binary image in skyeye.conf file

zjz_lgd 发表于 2006-12-12 12:38:31

:?: 能说的具体点么?第一次使用Skyeye,真是不太明白 :?

zjz_lgd 发表于 2006-12-12 17:14:05

明白啥意思了,谢谢提示,同时感谢搂主提供一个这么好的例子,终于在Linux环境下成功运行Skyeye了 :wink:

hy434 发表于 2006-12-23 10:27:14


ksh 发表于 2006-12-23 11:55:39

run"skyeye -h" to see the help message

romezxy 发表于 2007-2-14 20:06:48

make: nothing to be done for 'all'.

ksh 发表于 2007-2-15 09:21:40

你先make clean一下。在运行 make

柠檬加蜂蜜 发表于 2007-5-21 10:19:08


[email protected]非常感谢!
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