现在我已经装了FC3 挂载NTFS格式的模块了不过过一断时间我要买64了那还要下载吗?我都不不知道装在哪的因为我上次下载后它就直接自动装的 有对应的64位系统你最好还是下载专门的64位系统来装!! 啥意思我现在不是64但是我已经装了FC3挂载NTFS格式模块了那我升级到64后还要下载对应64的NTFS格式的摸吗?还有个问题就是我下载了RAR解开后在咋作呀 有对应的rpm可下,rar可以装unrar。 不,我是arlinux-3.4.1.tar.gz我把它解开了可是咋装里面没有REDME,不过里面有MAKEFILE 那有没有INSTALL。其实只要装个unrar的rpm就可以了。 哪有 你就自己化些时间搜索一下嘛,还有善用yum会省去你不少麻烦
http://dag.wieers.com/packages/unrar/ 请问我买了FC3那买本啥书看看呢,我从WIN刚过来不久 这个你到资源共享区去看看吧,不太清楚。没有专门针对Fedora的吧,不过都是相通的,Redhat的资料就很好。 看再怎么作
# cd /usr/local/rar/rar
# ls
default.sfxlicense.txtorder.htm rar_staticreadme.txt unrar
file_id.dizMakefile rarfiles.lstrar.txt technote.txtwhatsnew.txt
# make Maefile
make: *** 没有规则可以创建目标“Maefile”。 停止。
# 先看readme,这是共享软件,如果不是要用rar压缩,只是解压缩,不用这个。 README都是E文呀. 这就是README
RAR archiver:
* RAR introduces an original compression algorithm.It allows higher
compression ratios than other PC archiving tools, especially
on executable files, object libraries, large text files, etc.
* RAR offers an optional compression algorithm highly optimized
for multimedia data.
* RAR provides functionality for creating a 'solid' archive, which
can raise the compression ratio by 10% - 50% over more common
methods, particularly when packing large numbers of small files.
* RAR offers the ability to create and change SFX archives using
default and external SFX modules.
* RAR offers the ability to create a multi-volume archive as SFX.
* RAR offers a number of service functions, such as setting a
password, adding archive and file comments.Even physically
damaged archives may be repaired and an archive may be locked
to prevent further changes.Authenticity information may be
added for additional security and RAR will store information
on the last update and name of the archive. 直接make install