地址: http://sitaphi.com/pub/fontwiki/=== 更新:2004/10/29 =
1. 在pupilzeng的建议下,简单指定了一个 http://sitaphi.com/pub/song_jian_biao/?点阵汉字制作标准1.0beta 点阵汉字制作标准1.0beta],请讨论并提出意见。
2 已经将用于参照的SimSun点阵位图移除
=== 状态更新-2004/10/28
1. 添加了Unicode汉字目录:从U+19968到U+40869共20902个汉字,每101个汉字分为一个子目录(本来想每100个字分页,写 script时弄错了,hehe),其中GB2312中的6763个汉字都包含在里面(蓝色连接表示已经存在位图数据,橙色连接表示尚未完成),请访问 http://sitaphi.com/pub/song_jian_biao/?UNICODE_U19968-U40869 开始编辑。-- FangQ
2. 感谢firefly在10月26日发布的 http://cle.linux.org.tw/fonts/FireFly/AR PL New Sung字体。该字体文件中的位图部分已经通过程序自动转换为Wiki文档,GB2312的位图部分基本已经完成。但firefly的一些点阵字体大小尚不标准,大家仍然可以选择相应的汉字进行改进。符号区中尚有部分符号尚未完成,缺失的文件连接颜色为橙色。-- FangQ
== 欢迎访问“点阵中文”Wiki =
=== 目的 =
=== 计划陈述 =
Linux的很多发行版本已经具备的完整的中文支持,包括locale支持,字体支持和中文输入法,但由于免费或者开源的中文字体十分有限,所以,在Linux上中文使用效果并不理想,特别是配合FreeType2的屏幕显示效果(繁体中文的用户已经拥有很多不错的字体,但简体中文用户的选择并不多,常见的汉字字体在http://www.travelphrases.info/gallery/Fonts_Chinese_Simplified.html 如下页面]有较好的总结)。
=== 使用说明 =
http://sitaphi.com/pub/song_jian_biao/ 宋体-简体中文-标准体
字体编辑页面中心是一个点阵网格,用鼠标点击这些方格会在黑色和灰色之间转换。用鼠标来完成点阵汉字的绘制。注意,在9/10/11三个字号的点阵最右侧和最下侧的网格为打叉的图标,这些像素是为字体之间的空隙预留的,不推荐大家在这个区域内绘制。绘制完毕后,在点阵下侧有一个“发送和保存字体” 的连接,点击这个连接完成编辑。在点阵右侧,大多数情况下您可以看到一个点阵图片,这些都是通过simsun.ttf生成的,大家在字型设计时可以参考,但不一定模仿。
=== 版权声明 =
您通过这个Wiki编辑的字体将通过GNU Public License(GPL)的形式提供给所有用户,GPL的原文可以从如下连接阅读
http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU Public License(GPL)]
=== 开发 =
该Wiki是利用FangQ ([email protected])的“合作社”Wiki构架的,“合作社”Wiki是在Andreas Bilger的TthWiki改造而成。字体编辑器的代码是FangQ在Peter Occil ([email protected])的http://javascript.internet.com/games/minesweeper.html 挖雷游戏]的javascript的基础上改造的。
本Wiki服务为FangQ为Linux中文用户免费提供。 已经贴过了 没看到,置个顶吧,很多人都错过了。 这个置顶了 这个置顶了
多谢版主!(发原文的时候我用的是一个朋友的账号。今后关于点阵中文和文泉驿的进展我都使用现在的这个账号发了) 是的,汉字字体应该有一个完全开源的项目和作品,主要是简体,支持GB18030的,用于系统显示,不能老用商业公司里有版权的了。
支持 gbk就够了,维文、藏文……有了我也看不懂。先顾及用普通简体的老百姓吧 各位这个字体咋装呀? 使用中... ... ding.....
“文泉驿”已正式在SourceForge上申请了项目并得到批准。“文泉驿”的SourceForge项目主页为 http://wqy.sourceforge.net/ 或者 http://wqy.sf.net/ ,项目的英文综述页面为 http://sourceforge.net/projects/wqy/ ,今后我们将通过SourceForge的管理机制来进行会员管理和发行版本管理,希望有更多热心的人参加到“文泉驿”的开发管理中来。Re: “文泉驿”SourceForge项目开通
“文泉驿”已正式在SourceForge上申请了项目并得到批准。“文泉驿”的SourceForge项目主页为 http://wqy.sourceforge.net/ 或者 http://wqy.sf.net/ ,项目的英文综述页面为 http://sourceforge.net/projects/wqy/ ,今后我们将通过SourceForge的管理机制来进行会员管理和发行版本管理,希望有更多热心的人参加到“文泉驿”的开发管理中来。好消息
=== 更新:2005/1/17 =1. 离线点阵制作软件1.0正式版发布,新添加的功能请点击链接,请参与的朋友重新下载软件压缩包(包括Windows版本和Linux版本,下载地址不变),解压覆盖原来的文件即可。
2. 非常感谢几天来几位热心的朋友积极参与我们的离线点阵制作,特别对wanghong朋友提出感谢!在大家的努力下,平均每天我们有超过100个新点阵录入,而离线软件保留区的汉字已经完成了一大半。为了提高参与性,我们把笔画简单、字符较少的分区也放到离线软件保留区,作为扩展一区,这些分区的汉字可以通过离线软件的放缩功能非常快捷地生成,仅需要少量人工调整;另外我们还添加了扩展二区,以便更多人使用我们的离线软件参与点阵开发。
"Wen Quan Yi" Project Roadmap
"Wen Quan Yi" Project RoadmapSourceforge subproject page
Bitmap Chinese Project
Task 111451: Bitmap fonts for CJK Unified Ideographs
Project: WenQuanYi
Subproject: Bitmap Chinese Project
Summary: Bitmap fonts for CJK Unified Ideographs
Complete: 30%
Status: Open
Authority: fangq
Assigned to: fangq
Description: There are 20902 CJK code points between Unicode U+4E00 and U+9FA5, for each character, bitmaps at four sizes should be complete: 9pt(11X11), 10pt(12X12),11pt(14X14) and 12pt(16X16). Given all available open-source bitmap Chinese fonts (firefly-new-sung, redflag yan huang Chinese platform), there are about 5455 characters at 3 sizes are still missing (makes 16365 bitmap in total)
For more info, visit:
this link
Task 111460: Hand draw CJK Extension A missing characters
Project: WenQuanYi
Subproject: Bitmap Chinese Project
Summary: Hand draw CJK Extension A missing characters
Complete: 0%
Status: Open
Authority: fangq
Assigned to: nobody
Description: There are 6582 characters in CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A. Among them, many characters do not have open content glyphs available. We can not build our new font based on commertial font covering CJK Ext. A, therefore, we must create these missing glyphs by ourselves.
Here is the plan: we will first create a list for all missing characters within CJK Ext. A, then, we need someone to handwrite these characters based on the published sample documents at Unicode.org. The handwritten characters will be scanned and subsequently segmented into small images and added into our database. These images will become the fundation for any further development of this project in CJK Ext A zone.
The missing code points will be announced at our website, if anyone is interested in handwritting these characters, please send an email to [email protected].
For more info, visit:
this link
Task 111461 : Hand draw CJK Extension B missing characters
Project: WenQuanYi
Subproject: Bitmap Chinese Project
Summary: Hand draw CJK Extension B missing characters
Complete: 0%
Status: Open
Authority: fangq
Assigned to: nobody
Description: This is similar to the task ID: 111460 (Hand draw CJK Extension A missing characters), however, we need someone to work within the range of CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B (42,711 character in total).
The missing character is about thousands. We will publish the missing code points at our website soon. Interested contributor may write an email to [email protected] .
For more info, visit:
this link
Task 111462 : Bitmap fonts for CJK Unified Ideographs Ext. A (=>GB18030)
Project: WenQuanYi
Subproject: Bitmap Chinese Project
Summary: Bitmap fonts for CJK Unified Ideographs Ext. A (=>GB18030)
Complete: 0%
Status: Open
Authority: fangq
Assigned to: nobody
Description: Once the handwritten CJK Ext A missing character task is complete, we can then use wiki or offline bitmap software to create bitmap fonts for this unicode block.
The combination of CJK and CJK Ext. A and a little bit extra work will make a nice GB18030 compliant bitmap font which is utterly useful for most linux distributions.
For more info, visit:
this link
Vector Chinese Project
Task 111497 : Create high-quality images for all missing characters in CJK
Project: WenQuanYi
Subproject: Vector Chinese Project
Summary: Create high-quality images for all missing characters in CJK
Complete: 0%
Status: Open
Authority: fangq
Assigned to: fangq
Description: There are about 750 characters between U+4E00~U+9FA5 that I can not find high-resolution open content images that can be used for our development. I ([email protected]) am currently using "fontforge" to make up these missing characters based on Arne's Uming.ttf (this work also serves as a subproject of Arne's unifonts project).
Once this is done, we will have a complete set of high-resolution (above 40X40) CJK character images so that we can make outline fonts (True-Type,Type1) by using the stroke information extracted from these images.
Anyone who is interested in joining me to make these missing characters are welcome, please give me an email and I will show you the simple steps for making true-type character wth fontforge.
For more info, visit:
this link
Task 111498 : Stroke analysis based on CJK character images
Project: WenQuanYi
Subproject: Vector Chinese Project
Summary: Stroke analysis based on CJK character images
Complete: 0%
Status: Open
Authority: fangq
Assigned to: nobody
Description: Character image database as well as stroke analysis frontend will be developed and released to facilitate the extraction of stroke information for each CJK character. Basic character strokes are based on unicode standard and will meke the restoration of font outline easy.
This is an important step toward a high-quality CJK font because the stroke information is not only useful for making a single true-type font, but a series of fonts with various styles. Moreover, the stroke database can serves as a mean of searching and classifing characters. A variety of fun things can be done with this database. However, the most important thing to accomplish this plan is contributors, a lot of them!
For more info, visit:
this link 这个项目一定要支持一下,有时间的时候行动支持,没时间的时候精神上支持。