updatedb 发表于 2005-1-24 11:06:32


(我前两天用root可以做到用acpitool -S关机)


root@Do admin # acpitool -e
Kernel version : 2.6.10-gentoo-r-ACPI version : 20041105
Battery #1   : slot empty
Battery #2   : present
   Remaining capacity : 2463 mAh, 81.85%, 02:18:45
   Present rate       : 1065 mA
   Charging state   : charging
   Last full capacity : 3009 mAh
   Battery type       : rechargeable, 4E4F494C
   Model number       : Primary
   Serial number      : 30 30 30 31
AC adapter   : on-line

设置Suspend Computer ....执行:acpitool -S

Freeing memory ....done ( 5012 pages freed)
Can't find swap device,try swapon -a!
ACPI :PCI interrupt ....IRQ 11
ACPI: PCI interrupt ....IRQ 5
Set latency timer of deivce0000:00.lf 5 to 60
e100:eth0:etho_watchdog links up 100Mbps full_duplex
Restart Task ...... done
Start Task ===========================|



/dev/hda8               none            swap            sw                      0 0

/dev/hda8               none            swap            sw,pri=0                      0 0

swapon -a

root@Do admin # swapon -a
swapon: /dev/hda8: Invalid argument


man 2 swapon

       Each swap area has a priority, either high or low.The default priority islow.   Within
       the low-priority areas, newer areas are even lower priority than older areas.

       Allprioritiesset with swapflags are high-priority, higher than default.They may have
       any non-negative value chosen by the caller.Higher numbers mean higher priority.

       Swap pages are allocated from areas in priority order, highest priority first.Forareas
       with different priorities, a higher-priority area is exhausted before using a lower-prior-
       ity area.If two or more areas have the same priority, and itisthehighestpriority
       available, pages are allocated on a round-robin basis between them.

man swapon

       swapon, swapoff - enable/disable devices and files for paging and swapping
      -a   Alldevicesmarkedas``swap''swapdevices in /etc/fstab are made available.
            Devices that are already running as swap are silently skipped.
          -p priority
                       priority is a value between 0 and 32767.Seeswapon for a full description of swap
                       priorities. Add pri=value tothe option field of /etc/fstab for use with swapon -a.

BOoRFGOnZ 发表于 2005-3-3 23:17:33

为什么要用acpitool -S关机呢? :?:
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查看完整版本: ACPI的设置问题