现在这样很好!! Higher,faster,stronger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 谁知道怎么使用上RFS4?我想尝试一下! :wink: Gentoo/LFS. Getting started with Reiser4
Reiser4 is in MM serie of kernel started from linux- To use reiser4 :
1. Compile recent MM kernel (ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/akpm/patches/2.6) with reiser4 support turned on.
We can't keep the version/patch numbers updated with every -mm release, but, for example: If 2.6.9-rc4-mm1.bz2 is still the latest -mm, then after downloading these patches and tarballs mentioned in the next few commands into /tmp or some other location from www.kernel.org and bunzip2'ing them:
cd /usr/src
tar xvf /tmp/linux-2.6.8.tar
cd linux-2.6.8
patch -p1 < /tmp/patch-2.6.9-rc4
patch -p1 < /tmp/2.6.9-rc4-mm1
Note: please make sure that you have checked in
Code maturity level options
---> Prompt for development and/or incomplete code/drivers
and NOT checked in
Kernel hacking ---> Use 4Kb for kernel stacks instead of 8Kb
in the kernel config.
2. Boot with new kernel, get the latest reiser4 tools (libaal and reiser4progs) from ftp://ftp.namesys.com/pub/reiser4progs,
3. Unpack and install libaal :
# tar zxf libaal-XXXXXX.tar.gz
# cdlibaal-X.X.X
# ./configure
# make
# make install # may require root
# # add /usr/local/lib to /etc/ld.so.conf if not already there
# ldconfig # may require root
Note: to get the libaal-minimal (libaal-stand-alone before 1.0.2 version) library installed also, e.g. for the grub support, configure needs some options:
# ./configure --enable-libminimal
(before 1.0.2: # ./configure --enable-stand-alone --enable-memory-manager)
4. Unpack and install reiser4progs :
# tar zxf reiser4progs-XXXXXX.tar.gz
# cdreiser4progs-X.X.X
# ./configure
# make
# make install# may require root
Note: to get the libreiser4-libminimal (libreiser4-stand-alone before 1.0.2) library installed, e.g. for the grub support also, configure needs some options:
# ./configure --enable-libminimal
(before 1.0.2: # ./configure --enable-stand-alone)
5. Create reiser4 filesystem :
# /usr/local/sbin/mkfs.reiser4 device
6. Do whatever you used to do with filesystem.
How to enable the grub support for reiser4?
1. Install as described above libreiser4-libminimal (libaal-stand-alone before 1.0.2) and libreiser4-libminimal (libreiser4-stand-alone before 1.0.2) libraries.
2. Obtain the grub tarball from http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/grub.html and the reiser4 patch for the grub on ftp://ftp.namesys.com/pub/reiser4progs/grub/LATEST_PATCH
3. Apply the patch, build it. # cd grub # cat grub_patch.diff |patch -p1 # aclocal && autoheader && autoconf && automake --add-missing
The reiser4 support is enabled by default, to disable it the the option of the configure script --disable-reiser4 can be used.
Note: There are a plenty of options in reiser4progs/configure script to decrease the amount of the code in the libreiser4-libminimal (libreiser4-stand-alone before 1.0.2) library (see --disable-* options), however the result size of reiser4_stage1_5 in grub does not fit 23,5K size limit now, and probably will not anymore, so stage1_5 reiser4 support in grub does not work -- use stage2 instead.
WARNING: If you already created a reiser4 fs with the mkfs version < 1.0.0, first of all run
# debugfs.reiser4 -C device
The layout of the super block backups has been changed, this will convert the fs into the new format. After that please check the fs with the
# fsck.reiser4 device
2.6.8,刚好,我的内核就是这样的 Good luck!
I will be very happy if you loses :mrgreen::mrgreen: Good luck!
I will be very happy if you loses :mrgreen::mrgreen:
:twisted::twisted::twisted: To fox,not to suite you. :mrgreen::mrgreen: 知道知道!! :twisted::twisted::twisted:
I will be very happy if you loses! ....................
And a mistaake by me-------------not"loses",but "lose"