Foresight Linux包含了Beagle,Hal ,Howl,等比较有意思的东东,
Foresight Linux is a Distribution which showcases some of the latest and greatest from GNOME. Some of the things that may not be mature enough for some of the other distros. Some of the more innovative things are included, like beagle, howl, and the latest hal. All of this plus some nice, clean default themes and artwork.
Where does the name Foresight come from? Glad you asked! Many things about Foresight are innovative, not just some of the applications that are included. The biggest of which is Conary, which is a new way of looking at package management. Also, a work in progress, Oversite for web based systems management.
Re: 不错,顶一下!
不错嘛? 先看看 这个foresight有人试过么? 我想试啊,等过段时间
冲这个包含了Beagle,Hal ,Howl,等比较有意思的东东,
不知道这个包管理东东如何? will try
Packages included in Foresight Desktop Linux 0.5.
ElectricFence 2.2.2-3-2
GConf 2.10.0-0.2-1
Hermes 1.3.3-3-2
MAKEDEV 3.3.8-6-1
ORBit2 2.12.0-4-1
Pyrex 0.9.3-2-1
SDL 1.2.7-6-1
SDL_image 1.2.3-3-2
SDL_mixer 1.2.5-4-2
SDL_net 1.2.5-3-2
VFlib 2.25.6-6-2
Xaw3d 1.5-3-2
a2ps 4.13b-9.1-1
abiword 2.2.5-0.1-1
acl 2.2.3-3-2
acpid 1.0.3-5-1
aiksaurus 1.2.1-1-1
alsa-lib 1.0.7-2-2
alsa-utils 1.0.7-2-1
am-utils 6.0.9-7-1
anacron 2.3-5-1
apmd 3.0.2-4-2
apr 0.9.4-10-2
apr-util 0.9.4-4-2
arpwatch 2.1a11-8-1
arts 1.3.2-2-2
ash 0.3.8-5-1
aspell 0.50.5-3-2
aspell-en 0.51.1-3-2
at 3.1.8-6-2
at-spi 1.6.2-2-2
atk 1.9.1-0.1-1
attr 2.4.1-2-2
audiofile 0.2.6-3-2
authconfig 4.6.8-1-2
autoconf 2.13-1-0
autoconf 2.59-2-2
autofs 3.1.7-5-1
automake 1.4-1-0
automake 1.6.3-4-2
bash 2.05b-11-3
bc 1.06-2-1
beagle g0.0.7-1-1
bind 9.2.3-8-1
bind-utils 9.2.3-8-1
bison 1.875-3-2
bitmap-fonts 0.3-5-1
bitstream-vera-fonts 1.10-3-1
bogl 0.1.9-3-2
boost 1.31.0-3-2
booty 0.31.1-5-1
bug-buddy 2.10.0-0.1-1
byacc 1.9-1-3
bzip2 1.0.2-5-2
caching-nameserver 7.2-3-1
cdecl 2.5-5-1
cdparanoia 9.8-2-2
cdrtools 2.01a32-4-2
chkconfig 1.3.8-8-2
chkfontpath 1.10.0-5-1
conary 0.50.2-1-1
conary-gui 0.9-3.1-2
control-center 2.10.0-0.2-1
coreutils 5.0-10-2
cpio 2.5-5-1
cproto 4.7c-3-2
cracklib 2.7-4-2
crontabs 1.10-3-3
ctags 5.5.4-3-1
cups 1.1.20-12-1
curl 7.12.0-5-1
cvs 1.11.17-7-1
cyrus-sasl 2.1.19-5-1
cyrus-sasl 1.5.28-1-0/cyrus-sasl1/6-1
dasher 3.2.11-6-1
db 4.1.25-16-2
dbus 0.23.2-0.1-1
dbus-mono 0.23.2-0.1-1
dejagnu 1.4.4-6-2
desktop-file-utils 0.8-4-1
desktop-printing 0.9.5-3-1
dev 3.3.8-6-1
dev86 0.16.16-4-1
devhelp 0.9.1-3-1
device-mapper 1.00.19-1-1
devlabel 0.48.01-2-1
dhclient 3.0pl2-7-2
dhcp 3.0pl2-7-2
dialog 0.9b.20020814-3-1
dietlibc 0.21-6-2
diffstat 1.34-2-1
diffutils 2.8.1-5-1
distcache 1.4.5-11-2
distcc 2.13-5-1
distro-release 0.22-0.1-1
dmalloc 5.3.0-3-2
dmidecode 2.4-2-1
docbook-dsssl 1.78-13-2
docbook-dtds 1.0-11-1
docbook-utils 0.6.14-5-1
docbook-utils-pdf 0.6.14-5-1
docbook-xsl 1.65.1-12-2
dos2unix 3.1-3-1
dosfstools 2.8-4-1
dovecot 1.0-3-1
doxygen 1.3.7-6-1
dump 0.4b35-3-1
e2fsprogs 1.35-5-2
ed 0.2-6-1
eel 2.10.0-0.1-1
eject 2.0.13-2-1
elementtree 1.2.20040618-1-1
elfutils 0.89-6-2
elinks 0.9.2rc1-4-1
enchant 1.1.3-1-1
enscript 1.6.1-4-2
eog 2.9.0-0.1-2
epic 1.0.1-4-1
epiphany 1.6.0-0.1-1
esound 0.2.35-2-2
espgs 7.07.1-6-1
ethereal 0.10.9-2-1
ethtool 1.8-2-1
evince 0.1.7-1-1
evolution 2.2.0-0.1-1
evolution-data-server 1.2.0-0.1-1
evolution-sharp g0.6-3-1
evolution-webcal 2.2.0-0.1-1
expat 1.95.8-3-1
expect 5.41.0-5-1
expectk 5.41.0-5-1
f-spot 0.0.10-1-1
fbset 2.1-4-1
fetchmail 6.2.5-5-1
file 3.39-4-1
file-roller 2.10.0-0.1-1
filesystem 2.2.1-2-5
findutils 4.1.20-6-1
finger 0.17-2-1
firefox 1.0.1-1-1
firstboot 1.3.33-2.4-1
flex 2.5.4a-4-2
floppy 0.15-1-1
fontconfig 2.2.95-9-1
foomatic 3.0.2-3-1
freetype 2.1.8-5-2
fribidi 0.10.4-2-1
ftp 0.17-2-1
gail 1.8.2-3-1
gaim 1.1.4-1-1
gal 2.4.0-0.1-1
gamin 0.0.20-3-1
gawk 3.1.3-6-1
gc 6.4-1-1
gcalctool 5.5.41-0.2-1
gcc 3.3.3-20-1
gconf-editor 2.10.0-0.1-1
gd 2.0.33-2-2
gdb 6.3-2-2
gdbm 1.8.0-7-1
gecko-sharp 0.6-1-1
gedit 2.10.0-0.1-1
gettext 0.11.4-5-1
ggv 2.8.0-2-2
ghostscript-fonts 6.0-4-1
gimp 2.2.3-1-2
gimp-autolevel 0-1-1
gimp-exif-browser 0-2-1
gimp-gap 2.0.2-1-1
gimp-help-2 0.4-1-1
gimp-metadata 1.0-1-1
gimp-print 4.2.6-6-2
gimp-redeye 0.2-1-2
gksu 1.2.4-1-1
glade 2.6.0-5-1
glib 2.6.3-1-1
glibc 2.3.2-30-1
glibmm 2.4.5-5-1
gmime g2.1.11-1-1
gmp 4.1.3-6-2
gnome-applets 2.10.0-0.1-1
gnome-audio 2.0.0-3-1
gnome-backgrounds g2.10.0-2-1
gnome-blog 0.8-2-1
gnome-cups-manager 0.27-6-2
gnome-desktop 2.10.0-0.1-1
gnome-doc-utils g0.1.2-1-1
gnome-games 2.10.0-0.1-1
gnome-games-extra-data 2.10.0-0.1-1
gnome-icon-theme 2.10.0-0.2-1
gnome-keyring 0.4.0-2-2
gnome-mag 0.12.0-0.1-1
gnome-media 2.10.0-0.1-1
gnome-menus g2.10.0-1-1
gnome-mime-data 2.4.2-2-2
gnome-netstatus 2.10.0-0.1-1
gnome-nettool 1.1.0-1-1
gnome-panel 2.10.0-0.2-3
gnome-pilot 2.0.12-3-2
gnome-pilot-conduits 2.0.12-2-1
gnome-python 2.6.0-2-2
gnome-session 2.10.0-0.2-1
gnome-speech 0.3.6-0.2-1
gnome-spell 1.0.5-3-2
gnome-ssh-askpass 3.6.1p2-3-1
gnome-system-monitor 2.10.0-0.1-1
gnome-terminal 2.10.0-0.1-1
gnome-themes 2.10.0-0.1-1
gnome-themes-extras 0.8.0-6-1
gnome-utils 2.10.0-0.1-1
gnome-vfs 2.10.0-0.1-1
gnome2-user-docs 2.8.1-2-1
gnomebaker 0.3-1-1
gnomemeeting 1.0.2-4-2
gnumeric 1.4.1-3-2
gnupg 1.2.4-4-2
gok 0.11.8-3-2
gperf 3.0.1-3-1
gphoto2 2.1.5-2-1
gpm 1.20.1-6-2
gpp 0.6.5-1-1
grep 2.5.1-11-1
groff 1.18.1-5-2
grub 0.95-3-1
gst-plugins 0.8.7-1-2
gstreamer 0.8.8-2-1
gthumb 2.6.3-3-1
gtk 2.6.3-1-1
gtk-doc 1.2-4-1
gtk-engines 2.6.2-0.1-1
gtk-sharp 1.0.6-0.1-2
gtk-theme-clearlooks 0.4-1-2
gtkam 0.1.12-4-1
gtkhtml 3.6.0-0.1-1
gtkmm 2.4.8-2-2
gtksourceview 1.2.0-0.1-1
gtksourceview-sharp 0.5-1-1
gtkspell 2.0.6-2-2
gucharmap 1.4.1-4-2
guile 1.6.4-10-1
gxmessage g2.4.3-2-1
gzip 1.3.3-8-1
hal 0.4.7-2-1
hal-gnome 0.4.7-2-1
hdparm 5.6-5-1
hesiod 3.0.2-4-2
hicolor-icon-theme 0.5-2-1
hotplug 2004_03_29-5-1
howl g0.9.10-2-1
htmlview 3.0.0-1-1
httpd 2.0.52-12-1
hwbrowser 0.15-7-1
hwdata 0.118-1-2
icon-slicer 0.3-4-1
indent 2.2.9-6-1
info 4.5-11-1
initscripts 7.53-22.2-1
inkscape 0.41-1-1
inn 2.4.1-11-1
install-info 4.5-11-1
intltool 0.33-1-1
iproute 2.4.7-7-1
iptables 1.2.9-6-1
iputils 20020927-3-1
irda-utils 0.9.16-7-1
irqbalance 0.09-5-1
jadetex 3.13-3-1
jfsutils 1.1.2-3-1
joe 3.1-3-1
jwhois 3.2.2-3-1
kbd 1.08-6-2
kernel 2.6.10-8.7-1
kernel 2.6.10-8.7-1
kid 0.5.2-1-1
krb5-config:runtime 1.2.7-16-1
krb5-workstation:runtime 1.2.7-16-1
krb5:devel 1.2.7-16-1
krb5:lib 1.2.7-16-1
krb5:runtime 1.2.7-16-1
krbafs 1.2.2-4-2
kudzu 1.1.62-5-2
latex2html 2002.2.1-2-2
less 378-2-1
lesstif 0.93.94-3-2
lftp 3.0.10-4-1
libIDL 0.8.4-4-1
libao 0.8.5-2-2
libart_lgpl 2.3.16-4-2
libbonobo 2.8.0-3-1
libbonoboui 2.8.0-2-2
libcap 1.10-2-2
libcroco 0.6.0-3-2
libelf 0.89-6-2
libexif 0.6.10-2-2
libgail-gnome 1.1.0-0.1-2
libgda 1.2.1-1-1
libgksu1.2 1.2.5a-1-1
libgksuui1.0 1.0.3-1-1
libglade 2.5.1-0.1-1
libgnome 2.10.0-0.1-1
libgnomecanvas 2.10.0-0.1-1
libgnomecups 0.2.0-0.1-1
libgnomedb 1.2.1-2-1
libgnomeprint 2.10.0-0.1-1
libgnomesu g0.9.5-2-1
libgnomeui 2.10.0-0.1-1
libgphoto2 2.1.5-3-1
libgsf 1.11.1-2-2
libgtkhtml 2.6.2-3-2
libgtop 2.10.0-0.1-1
libieee1284 0.2.8-2-2
libjpeg 6b-5-2
libmng 1.0.6-5-2
libmusicbrainz 2.1.1-2-0.1
libogg 1.1.2-2-2
libole2 2.2.8-4-2
libpcap 0.8.3-3-2
libpng 1.2.5-3-2
librsvg 2.9.5-0.1-2
libsigc++ 2.0.6-2-2
libsoup 2.2.2-0.1-1
libtermcap 2.0.8-8-1
libtheora 1.0alpha3-4-2
libtiff 3.6.1-5-2
libtool 1.5.6-9-1
libungif 4.1.3-2-2
libusb 0.1.8-4-1
libuser 0.51.7-7-2
libvorbis 1.1.0-3-2
libwnck 2.10.0-0.1-1
libxklavier 2.0-0.1-1
libxml2 2.6.16-3-2
libxslt 1.1.10-2-2
liferea 0.9.0b-1-1
linc 1.1.1-4-1
linux-kernel-headers 2.4-4-1
linuxdoc-tools 0.9.20-3-3
lm_sensors 2.8.7-5-1
lockdev 1.0.1-7-2
logrotate 3.7-2-2
logwatch 5.1-4-2
longrun 0.9-2-1
lrzsz 0.12.20-3-1
lsof 4.63-3-1
ltrace 0.3.32-8-1
lvm2 2.00.25-2-1
lynx 2.8.5-4-1
m4 1.4.1-5-1
mailcap 2.1.14-3-1
mailman 2.1.5-10-1
make 3.80-6-1
man 1.5k-7-1
man-pages 1.60-4-1
mdadm 1.7.0-3-1
memprof 0.5.1-4-1
metacity 2.10.0-0.1-1
microcode_ctl 1.11-2-1
mingetty 1.07-3-1
minicom 2.00.0-8-1
mkbootdisk 1.5.1-4-1
mkinitrd 3.5.22-4-1
mkisofs 2.01a32-4-2
mktemp 1.5-16-1
mod_python 3.1.3-4-1
mod_ssl 2.0.52-12-1
modutils 2.4.25-5-2
mono 1.1.4-1-1
monodevelop 0.5.1-3-1
monodoc 1.0.2-1-1
mozilla 1.7.3-6-2
mozilla-chat 1.7.3-6-2
mozilla-dom-inspector 1.7.3-6-2
mozilla-js-debugger 1.7.3-6-2
mozilla-mail 1.7.3-6-2
mozilla-nspr 1.7.3-6-2
mozilla-nss 1.7.3-6-2
mt-st 0.7-3-1
mtools 3.9.9-3-1
mtr 0.65-4-1
mysql 3.23.58-10-2
nail 11.20-3-1
nano 1.2.1-3-1
nasm 0.98.38-2-1
nautilus 2.10.0-0.1-1
nautilus-cd-burner 2.10.0-0.1-1
nautilus-media 0.8.1-2-2
nautilus-sendto 0.3-1-1
ncftp 3.1.7-4-1
ncurses 5.3-7-1
neon 0.24.7-3-2
net-snmp 5.1.1-10-1
net-snmp-perl 0-2-1
net-snmp-utils 5.1.1-10-1
net-tools 1.60-4-1
netpbm 9.24-4-2
newt 0.51.5-6-1
nfs-utils 1.0.6-7-2
njamd 0.9.2-7-2
nmap 3.50-3-2
nss_ldap 207-6-1
ntp 4.2.0-5-2
ntsysv 1.3.8-8-2
openh323 1.13.4-5-1
openjade 1.3.2-9-2
openldap 2.0.27-9-1
openssh 3.6.1p2-9-2
openssh-client 3.6.1p2-9-2
openssh-server 3.6.1p2-9-2
openssl 0.9.7a-9-1
oversite g0.2-1-1
pam 0.77-10-2
pam_krb5 1.70-5-2
pam_smb 1.1.7-4-2
pango 1.8.0-4-2
parted 1.6.12-3-2
passivetex 1.25-4-1
passwd 0.68-3-1
patch 2.5.4-4-1
patchutils 0.2.29-4-1
pax 3.0-3-1
pciutils 2.1.99-5-2
pcmcia-cs 3.2.7-6-1
pcre 4.4-6-2
perl 5.8.3-7-2
perl-DBI 1.42-1-2
perl-DateManip 5.40-3-3
perl-Digest-HMAC 1.01-3-3
perl-Digest-SHA1 2.10-3-3
perl-Filter 1.30-3-3
perl-Filter-Simple 0.79-4-1
perl-HTML-Parser 3.35-4-1
perl-HTML-Tagset 3.03-3-3
perl-Net-DNS 0.45-4-1
perl-Parse-Yapp 1.05-3-3
perl-SGMLS 1.03ii-3-4
perl-Time-HiRes 1.59-3-3
perl-URI 1.30-3-3
perl-XML-Dumper 0.4-4-1
perl-XML-Encoding 1.01-4-1
perl-XML-Grove 0.46alpha-4-1
perl-XML-Parser 2.34-5-1
perl-XML-Twig 3.15-4-1
perl-libwww-perl 5.79-4-1
perl-libxml-enno 1.02-4-1
perl-libxml-perl 0.07-4-1
php 4.3.9-8-2
php-mysql 4.3.9-8-2
php-pgsql 4.3.9-8-2
pidentd 3.0.16-5-1
pilot-link 0.11.8-6-1
pinfo 0.6.6-3-1
pkgconfig 0.15.0-2-1
poppler 0.1.1-2-1
popt 1.8.1-5-2
portmap 4.0-6-1
postgresql 8.0.1-2-1
ppp 2.4.2-8-1
procmail 3.22-4-1
procps 2.0.13-3-1
psmisc 21.3-3-1
pstack 1.2-4-1
pump 0.8.20-2-2
pwlib 1.6.5-5-1
pygtk 2.5.3-1-1
pyorbit 2.0.1-3-2
pyparted 1.6.8-4-1
python 2.4-9-2
pyxf86config 0.3.18-6-1
qt-x11-free 3.3.3-9-1
quagga 0.96.4-8-1
quota 3.09-4-1
radvd 0.7.2-5-1
rcs 5.7-3-1
rdate 1.3-3-1
rdist 6.1.5-3-1
readline 4.3-3-1
reiserfs-utils 3.6.17-2-1
rhpl 0.153-1-1
rhythmbox 0.8.5-5-1
rootfiles 7.2-3-1
rp-pppoe 3.5-4-1
rsh 0.17-4-1
rsync 2.6.3-2-2
run 3.0-2-2
rusers 0.17-8-1
rwho 0.17-5-1
samba 3.0.11-2-1
samba-swat 3.0.11-2-1
sane-backends 1.0.14-3-2
sane-frontends 1.0.12-3-1
schedutils 1.3.0-3-1
screen 4.0.2-8-1
scrollkeeper 0.3.14-4-1
sed 4.1.4-3-1
sendmail 8.12.10-17-1
sendmail-cf 8.12.10-17-1
setarch 1.3-5-1
setserial 2.17-3-1
setup 2.5.27-6-1
setuptool 1.13-4-1
sgml-common 0.6.3-3-1
shadow 4.0.3-4-1
shapecfg 2.2.12-4-1
shared-mime-info 0.14-7-2
sharutils 4.2.1-3-1
slang 1.4.5-7-2
slocate 2.7-4-2
smartmontools 5.30-5-1
sound-juicer 2.10.0-0.1-1
spamassassin 3.0.1-4-1
speex 1.0.4-2-2
splint 3.1.1-3-2
sqlite 3.0.8-4-2
sqlite2 g2.8.15-2-1
squirrelmail 1.4.3a-7-2
star 1.5a47-2-1
startup-notification 0.8-0.1-1
statserial 1.1-3-1
strace 4.5.4-4-1
stunnel 4.05-7-1
subversion 1.1.1-8-1
sudo 1.6.7p5-5.2-1
swig 1.3.21-5-2
switchdesk 4.0.3-3-1
symlinks 1.2-3-1
sysfsutils 1.2.0-2-2
sysklogd 1.4.1-6-1
syslinux 2.06-2-2
sysstat 5.0.1-6-2
system-config-date 1.7.15-3.1-1
system-config-display 1.0.25-2.1-1
system-config-keyboard 1.2.5-2-1
system-config-language 1.1.8-1-1
system-config-mouse 1.2.6-4-1
system-config-network 1.3.22-1.1-1
system-config-rootpassword 1.1.6-2.2-1
system-config-securitylevel 1.4.22-2.1-1
sysvinit 2.85-5-1
talk 0.17-3-1
tar 1.13.25-8-1
tcl 8.4.6-4-2
tclx 8.3.5-3-2
tcp_wrappers 7.6-3-2
tcpdump 3.8.3-2-1
tcsh 6.12-6-1
telnet 0.17-3-1
termcap 11.0.1-2-1
tetex 2.0.2-20-1
tetex-afm 2.0.2-20-1
tetex-dvips 2.0.2-20-1
tetex-fonts 2.0.2-20-1
tetex-latex 2.0.2-20-1
tetex-xdvi 2.0.2-20-1
texi2html 1.64-3-1
texinfo 4.5-11-1
tftp 0.33-3-1
time 1.7-3-1
tk 8.4.6-4-2
tmpwatch 2.9.1-2-1
tomboy 0.3.1a-0.1-1
traceroute 1.4a12-3-1
ttfprint 0.9-3-1
ttmkfdir 3.0.9-3-1
tzdata 2003c-3-1
udev 039-10-1
units 1.80-2-1
unix2dos 2.2-3-1
unzip 5.50-3-1
urw-fonts 1.0.7pre40-3-1
usbutils 0.70-2-1
usermode 1.70-6-1
utempter 0.5.5-5-2
util-linux 2.11y-5-2
vconfig 1.8-3-1
vim 6.2.98-9-1
vim-minimal 6.2.98-9-1
vino 2.10.0-0.1-1
vixie-cron 3.0.1-6-1
vorbis-tools 1.0.1-4-2
vsftpd 1.2.1-7-1
vte 0.11.11-5-1
w3c-libwww 5.4.0-2-2
wget 1.9.1-3-1
which 2.14-2-1
wireless-tools 27-2-2
words 2-2-1
wvdial 1.54.0-2-1
wvstreams 3.75.0-6-1
x86info 1.12b-3-1
xchat 2.4.1-3-1
xdelta 1.1.3-5-2
xfsprogs 2.6.13-3-2
xhtml1-dtds 1.0-2-1
xinetd 2.3.13-2-1
xinitrc 3.39-3-1
xmltex 20020625-5-1
xmlto 0.0.18-6-1
xorg-x11 6.8.2-1-1
xorg-x11-fonts 6.8.2-1-1
xorg-x11-tools 6.8.2-1-1
xorg-x11-xfs 6.8.2-1-1
xsane 0.95-4-1
xscreensaver 4.18-3.2-1
xterm 196-2-2
yelp 2.9.3-0.1-2
yp-tools 2.8-4-1
ypbind 1.12-6-1
ypserv 2.13-5-2
zenity 2.10.0-0.1-1
zip 2.3-4-1
zlib 1.2.2-2-2
明天刻盘,try一try。 :mrgreen: Foresight Desktop Linux 是一个主要以展示 GNOME 新特性为目的桌面 Linux 发行版,它包含了 Mono,Beagle,Hal,Howl,f-spot 等比较有意思的东西,以及清爽的默认主题等。他的包管理是Conary ,一个用于 Linux 发行版的分布式软件管理系统。Conary 的设计使用一个可以通过互联网进行开放,松散的协作来取代传统的包管理解决方案(比如RPM和dpkg)。
其使得 linux 系统安装的组件可以通过分布式的、松散的连接仓库来定义成为可能。而不是全部组件都要从单一的供应商(比如RedHat,Novell)那里获取,其也允许系统管理员和开发人员对一个发布版进行分流,并在通过互连网从其他仓库抓取组件时保持那些适合他们环境的修补。 没有emacs?:shock: