问题描述比较长,请耐心看, :o)系统内核支持该声卡,默认安装后Totem Movie Player 正常发声。
我下载了一个RealPlayer 10,安装正常,但是不能正常运行。运行realplayer,根本看不到界面。而进程运行在后台,用ps命令能看到。
One or more applications are currently using sound:
7602 /usr/bin/esd
OK to close them (Y/N) ? y
Sending termination signals
Sending kill signals
Checking for any previously installed sound drivers...
*** Sound driver is already running - trying to unload it ***
You appear to have the the kernel level sound driver installed as a loadable
module. Unload it by executing rmmod sound and try installing OSS/Linux again.
If this error repeats again you probably have the sound driver being loaded
automagically by the kerneld daemon. In this case you should log out from the
X Windows session, then press <ctl><alt><F1> and log in on the Linux console
as root and then install OSS again.
Am I allowed to do these changes automatically for you (Y/N) ? y
Trying to disable the conflicting sound driver
然后RealPlayer和Flash Player能正常运行。
用户logout, 再次登录,Realplayer和Flash Player又是出现上述状况,同样再次执行oss安装,才可以。
我尝试安装alsa驱动并虚拟oss,安装完成后能够正常配置alsaconf, alsamixer,但是Realplayer和Flash Player都没有声音。
请问究竟是什么问题? killall -9 esd;killall -9 arts再试试呢? killall -9 esd ok
没有arts 进程
我想知道究竟是哪里出了问题,需要重新编译内核吗? 查阅了一些资料后发现只要编辑/etc/esound/esd.conf这个文件就能解决问题:
#auto_spawn=0 #注释掉这一行
auto_spawn=1 #添加这一行,只是把值改成1
spawn_options=-terminate -nobeeps -as 5
# default options are used in spawned and non-spawned mode
哈哈,搞定! 恭喜!:lol::lol: