我从http://dev.csdn.net/article/49/49072.shtm下载了FEDORA五张安装盘的镜像(包括一张RESCUED),下载后使用WINMD5检查这五个ISO的MD码,一切OK,开始依次使用NERO的刻录映像文件功能刻入CD-R.最后用第一张光盘引导机器开始安装,开始安装前出面一屏询问是否对映像媒介进行测试的画面,我依次对前四张光盘进行测试,前三张均停在99%处,然后显示The media check of the image
fedora core 3 disc X
is complete,and the result is:FAIL.
The image which was just tested has errors.
The could be due to a corrupt download or a bad disc.
If applicable,please clean the disc and try again.
If the test continues to fail you should not continue the install.
谢谢先。 It may cause some errors while reading the CD.
It is normal.