Submit的时候出现:Warning: move_uploaded_file(/home/funda/i18n/data/pools/F0001789.po): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/funda/i18n/trans_pools/submit.inc.php on line 60
Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move '/tmp/phprUz5cn' to '/home/funda/i18n/data/pools/F0001789.po' in /home/funda/i18n/trans_pools/submit.inc.php on line 60
An error occured while you're submitting a new file. The reasons maybe: 1. A network error occured while submitting, so the system didn't get the correct file.2.The file is too large(larger than 1M), the system will refuse it.3. An error occured when the system are procceding the file.You can try again, or you can contact the administrator.