我怀疑是不是linux(或者说是gnome)对USB鼠标支持的一个Bug I'm using a usb mouse without any problem in gonome.
You may want to check you hardware. :P:P I'm sure my hardware has no problem.
I'm using gnome and many softwares on it all day.
The USB mouse problem can't be detected without long time spent on Gnome
I'm also wondering if the conflict come from too many softwares which I have installed Mmmmm,
Microsoft mouse.
Maybe it is a win-mouse
:twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted: :lol: M$的东西可能不会那么轻易的让您在linux下使用,呵呵 楼上的搞笑 楼主用的是FC3/RHEL4吗?如果是,我想很可能是udev的问题,升级你的udev,应该就好了!我在刚装上FC3时也出现过类似问题,升级udev后就好了