why we must use QQ??
Sorry but something's wrong with my Chinese input so I can only use English right now. We know that tencent cor. dosen't allow us to produce a QQ like sofeware in Linux. Do you know the Yahoo Message has several releas versions for different OS like windows,unix,linux,mac...I think if we only use QQ the tencent cor. will never think about us. We can use Yahoo Message or orther chat sofewares like ICQ,MSN...We should give tencent cor. a heavy pression that he should release different ones for different OS.We can do something we can to let our friends to use orther char softwares yes?My yahoo name is andrewnow3317713,hope to make friends with you. I am a college student of NUPT in Nanjing. Hehe 支持楼上的. 你的英语,very good! I got rid of qq two years ago.Now I connact to my friends and classmates by Email and I don't use any IM software.
I believe if you have a job or you grow up,u will be interested in other things,u will forget IM softwares.
If u wannar enjoy IM,u can enter irc chatroom,it is nice. ye! jet, I know mabey you do not need IM soft and so do I. But there's no dout that orther people need it. Yes?? Hehe mybeyou are right but I used to using qqa few weeks before,I also use it on linux .anyway ,it can realy make me feel convienient All my classmates and friends are using QQ,if I don't use it ,whom i can talk to 我还想用popo呢,但是朋友都用qq啊.
工具是次要的,与人联系上才是主要的,我巴不得大家都习惯了在irc里见. passing by 为什么大家都在用? 哈哈......你问的问题都已经包含答案啦!原因就是大家都已经在用,大家都已经习惯在用了!
哈哈。。好象回答得有点傻 我要和老爸聊视频,这个skype还代替不了。所以…… oicq :oh,i seek u!
QQ is so quick and convienient .Why we don't use qq? 强烈同意各位的观点,我原本的希望就是能看到这样的大家的不同意见,必须说的是,qq无论从方便和普及度上来说,都是很不错的,我并不是要搞革命要大家去适应另外一种功能类似的软件,我的意思是,腾讯在对待linux上过分了,为什么国外的人国外的公司都能平等的看待linux,都愿意公开其协议,甚至自己开发不同平台的版本,而腾讯却要千方百计围追堵截,我们来到这个论坛发帖子,想必对linux还是比较关心的,我们都知道,linux下用qq很不方便,即使有各种替代品,其实大家心里都明白,始终觉得不够好啊,为什么腾讯不公开他的协议呢?或者自己开发不同平台的版本??其实qq软件本身并没有什么技术难度,我个人当然是开发不出来,但只要有协议,自由社区很快就能开发出相当好的qq for linux的版本来,其实开放有什么不好呢?不是增加用户吗?我只是希望中国能出现百家争鸣,而不要太单一,所谓标准于协议,不应该由某个人或公司说了算,当软件多了,通用的标准才会诞生,这样不是更好吗?? 最近关于腾讯的消息真多,有种不好的预感. Why not try Jabber?