rpm -bb SPECS/bcm5700.spec是什么?
我在装网卡的时候,按照说明书上的方法安装到rpm -bb SPECS/bcm5700.spec就过不去了,大侠们帮忙看看,好像就没有-bb这个参数啊!!超级郁闷!!!另-rpm和tar文件是不是都可以装驱动呀?cd src; make;
Installing Source RPM Package
1. Install the source RPM package:
rpm -ivh bcm5700-<version>.src.rpm
If installing the driver on SuSE Linux, refer to the Notes section below
before continuing.
2. CD to the RPM path and build the binary driver for your kernel:
cd /usr/src/{redhat,OpenLinux,turbo,packages,rpm ..}
rpm -bb SPECS/bcm5700.spec
Note that the RPM path is different for different Linux distributions.
3. Install the newly built package (driver and man page):
rpm -ivh RPMS/i386/bcm5700-<version>.i386.rpm
Note that the --force option is needed if installing on Red Hat 7.1, 7.2,
and others that already contain an older version of the driver.
The driver will be installed in the following path:
2.2.x kernels:
2.4.x kernels:
2.4.x kernels with bcm5700 driver patched in (e.g. Red Hat 7.1, 7.2):
4. Load the driver:
insmod bcm5700
If loading the driver on Red Hat 7.3, 2.1 AS or newer Red Hat kernels, refer
to the Notes section below before loading the driver.
5. To configure network protocol and address, refer to various Linux
Building Driver From TAR File
1. Create a directory and extract the files:
tar xvzf bcm5700-<version>.tar.gz
If installing the driver on SuSE Linux, refer to the Notes section below
before continuing.
2. Build the driver bcm5700.o as a loadable module for the running kernel:
cd src
3. Test the driver by loading it:
insmod bcm5700.o
If loading the driver on Red Hat 7.3, 2.1 AS or newer Red Hat kernels, refer
to the Notes section below before loading the driver.
4. Install the driver and man page:
make install
See RPM instructions above for the location of the installed driver.
5. To configure network protocol and address, refer to various Linux
===== ...
rpmbuild -bb SPECS/bcm5700.spec
... 太谢谢-月下刀客-公社论坛版主了,困扰了我多年的问题解决了一步,可是还有问题得请教版主。还是上面的问题,到了rpm -ivh RPMS/i386/bcm5700-2.2.27-1.i386.rpm这一步的时候,得到如下:
Prepering。。。 #########################
Package bcm5700-2.2.27-1 is already installed file /usr/share/man/man4/bcm5700.4.gz from install of bcm5700-2.2.27-1 c
onflicts with file from package bcm5700-2.2.27-1
然后我又执行下一步:insmod bcm5700 显示如下:
Using /lib/modules/2.4.20-8/kernel/drivers/net/bcm5700.o
/lib/modules/2.4.20-8/kernel/drivers/net/bcm5700.o:init_module:No such device Hint:insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters,including invalid IO or IRQ parameters
you may find more information in syslog or the output from dmesg.
我已经弄了半年了,没有人指导还是配不通网卡,万分谢谢!!! 上一步用rpm -Uvh RPMS/i386/bcm5700-2.2.27-1.i386.rpm升级安装看看
上面提示你可运行dmesg看看输出,或查看/var/log/syslog(不知有没有这个文件) 不行呀,我试过了,还是Package bcm5700-2.2.27-1 is already installed file /usr/share/man/man4/bcm5700.4.gz from install of bcm5700-2.2.27-1 c
onflicts with file from package bcm5700-2.2.27-1
我看了看dmsg结果有:divert:not allocating divert_blk for non-ethernet device ppp0 pcnet32.c : v1.27b 01.10.2002 [email protected]