怎么进Virtual Console? 声卡问题!!
Checking for any previously installed sound drivers...
*** Sound driver is already running - trying to unload it ***
I am unable to de-install the existing (ALSA or OSS/Free) sound driver
You should log out and log back in on a Virtual Console (type <clt><alt><F1>)
and try to install OSS/Linux again from there.
请问怎么进Virtual Console? 在什么时候按 <clt><alt><F1> ?
我用ML 的Grub起动界面的选项进入ML的console模式,安装oss仍然出现以上错误。
后来又在modeprob.conf 里边去掉声卡加载,然后再安装oss还是不行!
我的声卡是Intel-82801DBM-ICH4.(AC97) 刚发现在起动时,出现2个错误:
erro inserting soundcore (/lib/modules/2.6.9/kernel/sound/soundcore.ko)
erroinserting usbcore...
是配置的问题么? :?::?::?: 估计是我的modprobe.conf 有问题,谁能帮忙将能正确起动ML的modprobe.conf 的内容贴上来? :P:P:P