Fedora core 3和Windows xp是绝对支持的,安装也不复杂。另外技术支持你放心,我也是搞技术的。咱们好交流。 谢谢兄弟:)收到我就给你发个消息:) 那个cdma无线网卡用起来真的非常好:-) ,在linux下的性能比在windows下都好,主要强调一下:-D卡好gnufeng兄弟人更好:-D.而且这个cdma无线上网卡的驱动程序gnufeng兄弟也参与开发,也写了很多代码.他是个牛人,是个为linux的普及做过很多贡献的人.是个好兄弟. :lol: To shuijiaolea:
帮你找到了ibm的无线网卡的驱动了, 不过现在只有cvs版的, 还没有提供tar等压缩格式的下载(后来看来看, 还是有的, 当时没找到 :mrgreen:)
下面是主页(下面那段英文就是那里拷贝下来的, 考虑到访问比较慢就直接贴出来了):
What is it?
MADWiFi is short for Multiband Atheros Driver for WiFi. In other words: this project provides a Linux kernel driver for Atheros-based Wireless LAN devices. The driver works such that your WLAN card will appear as normal network interface in the system. Additionally there is support for the Wireless Extensions API. This allows you to configure the device using the usual tools (ifconfig, iwconfig and friends).
Some of the driver´s key features are:
* Allows operation as station, AP, ad-hoc, monitor. WDS is work in progress.
* Supports Wireless Extensions API.
* One driver for miniPCI and cardbus devices. USB devices are not yet supported.
* Most of the current Atheros WLAN chipsets are supported.
* Supports WEP and WPA/802.11i.
* Support for 802.1x authentication in AP mode.
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How can I get it?
MADWiFi is work in progress and currently there is no production release available yet. This doesn´t mean that you can´t use the driver - but you will need a little knowledge about getting source via CVS, compiling kernel and drivers, and similar stuff.
You should also be aware that, although the CVS versions of MADWiFi usually are pretty stable, bugs may occur here and there. If you run in any trouble be sure to check the section called "It doesn´t work... help!".
Before getting the source, please make sure your system meets the following requirements:
* WLAN interface that uses Atheros chipset (this, this or this list might help)
* a current kernel version of series 2.4 or 2.6
* wireless extensions version 14 or later (version 16 is preferred)
* target kernel needs to have sysctl support turned on
* crypto API support turned on with HMAC and MD5, if you want to use the 802.1x authenticator
* hotplugd, if you want to use a Cardbus card
* the utility uudecode is also needed during compilation (distributions usually have this in a package called sharutils)
All conditions fulfilled? Fine, then you are ready to go.
The current version of MADWiFi can be retrieved from CVS with the following command:
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/madwifi \
co madwifi
Alternatively you can grab a CVS snapshot as .tar.bz2 or .tar.gz archive. Older versions (ranging back to 2004-09-24) are also available, refer to http://madwifi.otaku42.de for that.
After downloading the source, refer to the README file in the source tree (or read it online). It contains useful instructions about compiling, configuring and trouble-shooting the driver.
多谢版主兄弟.我回家就试. 那支持Linux平台的版本都有哪些呢?基本上支持所有版本的Linux
我们公司的CDMA无线上网卡已经在Linux内核 2.4 和 2.6 下稳定驱动, 所以基本上支持目前市面上发行的所有Linux, 甚至您自己裁减定制的Linux我们可以支持。请教gnufeng
我想请问一下gnufeng,你们公司的CDMA无线上网卡多少钱一个?你们公司在深圳什么地方?我现在买了一个清华紫光的,但是不知道怎么在Linux下实现无线上网?请教genfeng兄弟.我的笔记本Acer TravelMate 3201xci ,系统RedHat Linux 13.8,内核2.4.21,清华紫光CDMA 1X 680C无线上网卡基于PCMCIA CARD 怎么样实现无线上网?谢谢!联系方法:
E-mail:[email protected] 华为EC321,
Re: 找我吧,我公司生产的CDMA、GPRS网卡都支持Li
找我吧,我公司生产的CDMA、GPRS网卡都支持Linux平台EM: [email protected]
PH: 13148761613