gtk 2.7.0 released
www.gtk.orgyou also need to download cairo 0.5.1, there is a bug in cairo 0.5.0. 试试看。 :arrow::arrow: emerging. 和gtk2.2/2.4/2.6的兼容性如何? 兼容性没有问题, 但是中文字体发虚,不过firefox不受影响,
而且只有X11和Win32后端,没有办法使用opengl作为后端。 cairo 不是用到glitz吗? 没有吧,glitz只是后端之一,可用之后速度应该有很大提升
younker中文未有内嵌点阵支持么? xorg的结构也该调整一下了,要是整个X都构建在opengl上,那就爽了 cairo 不是用到glitz吗?
From mailling list
There are no current plans to make the Cairo backend selectable
for the X11 backend to GTK+
In the view of the GTK+ maintainers (and also of Dave Reveman,
author of glitz), RENDER is the appropriate way to draw on an
X server with Cairo.
There are some cases now in which using glitz in the client
can improve performance, however the architectural plan is
to use glitz in the server to accelerate RENDER rather than
on the client side. This provides similar or even better
performance in most cases and is much simpler and more
Owen 我不懂,能说的详细一点吗?
configure cairo的时候它会告诉我使用了glitz backend
cairo will be compiled with the following surface backends:
Xlib: yes
Quartz: no
XCB: no (requires XCB
Win32: no
PostScript: yes
PDF: yes
glitz: yes
the following font backends:
FreeType: yes
Win32: no
ATSUI: no cairo如果使用glitz后端的话,使用的库是
owen的意思是,使用X11作为后端更为合理,结构上的计划是使用glitz来加速render。 cairo 不是用到glitz吗?
From mailling list
There are no current plans to make the Cairo backend selectable
for the X11 backend to GTK+
In the view of the GTK+ maintainers (and also of Dave Reveman,
author of glitz), RENDER is the appropriate way to draw on an
X server with Cairo.
There are some cases now in which using glitz in the client
can improve performance, however the architectural plan is
to use glitz in the server to accelerate RENDER rather than
on the client side. This provides similar or even better
performance in most cases and is much simpler and more
however the architectural plan is
to use glitz in the server to accelerate RENDER rather than
on the client side
很期待…… 请问cairo是否会取代gdk+?我也在gnome的maillist上看到了很多人报告用了cairo后性能和现在差不多,瓶颈是否在x一端呢?如果是的话cairo-》XRENDER的架构性能不会改观很多,高效的desktop只能等到cairo-》glitz架构成熟了。 我所关心的倒不是性能,是原来说的那些AA效果实现了没有?