http://www.magiclinux.org/people/kanker/os/rpms/kplayer-20050516cvs-1mgc.i686.rpm 这个软件不更新了吗?不支持金山词霸的词库。郁闷 支持的啊。我用的没有问题 stardict 本来就支持 --disable-gnome-support
WiseDict is a computer dictionary based on StarDict
Further to all StarDict's features it have:
1 * You can choose build WiseDict with gnome libraries or use pure gtk+ on configuration stage
2 * Case insensitive search
3 * All preference and list of dictionaries may be changed "online"
4 * Support of pango and xdxf formated articles in dictionary
5 * Save history of search in file
1,2,3,4 都是 stardict 本来就有的。 5 有没有得看代码了。 stardict 似乎没有网上词典。