急!Acer ATI mobile 9700 显卡驱不起来
Acer ATI mobile 9700 显卡在Fedara 2下,运行rpm -i --force fglrx-glc22-4.1.0-3.2.8.i586.rpm内容如下:
*** Found kernel module build environment, generating kernel module now.
ATI module generator V 2.0
XFree86 drm includes at /lib/modules/2.6.5-1.358/build/include/../drivers/char/d rm do not fit this driver.
This driver is designed to only work with X4.1.0 or higher.
You can match this by getting Linux kernel 2.4.8 or higher.
*** WARNING ***
Tailored kernel module for fglrx not present in your system.
You must go to /lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod subdir
and execute './make.sh' to build a fully customed kernel module.
Afterwards go to /lib/modules/fglrx and run './make_install.sh'
in order to install the module into your kernel's module repository.
(see readme.txt for more details.)
As of now you can still run your XServer in 2D, but hardware acclerated
OpenGL will not work and 2D graphics will lack performance.
Installed: qt3 (gcc 3.2) based control panel application
ATI display drivers successfully installed
please run 'fglrxconfig' now
这意思是不是内核与驱动不匹配,但难道要我装redbat 9的内核?
该如何办呢? 升级内核就可以了 拜托,能不能讲详细点,我是新手。真的不知道该更新什么版本的内核。 拜托,能不能讲详细点,我是新手。真的不知道该更新什么版本的内核。 当然是最新的了。