安装完毕后,重启,出现一段信息后, 停在:starting hotplug subsystem
然后就不动了,按 ctrl+alt+del 也没反应 :(
我是用CD安装的,硬盘里还有个XP 这东西特别慢 :neutral:
等等看 我搞不懂这东西是有什么用的
我的系统有和没有它,没有什么区别 hotplugisaprogramwhich is used by the kernel to notify
user mode software when somesignificant(usuallyhardware-
related) events take place.An example is when a USB or Card‐
bus device has just been plugged in.This is useful for auto‐
maticallyloadingand setting up drivers, packaged either as
kernel modules or as user mode programs. 把你的什么USB设备之类的全拔了看看。