安装ZendOptimizer-2.5.10a-linux-glibc21-i386.tar.gz 在EL4 上出现问题:Failed loading /usr/local/Zend/lib/ZendExtensionManager.so:/usr/local/Zend/lib/ZendExtensionManager.so: failed to map segment from shared object: Permission denied
errlog里是这样写的,不知道是为什么。安装的时候就是按照顺序一步步装的,用的是root帐户,且安装过程中没有任何错误的提示。请各位高手指点一下。谢谢了。 http://aide.retiz.com/19.html
Hey hey !!! The Zend server did not load correctly. The cause is the apache selinux policy. To fix that:
cd /usr/local/ZendStudioServer-4.0.0 <= change to what ever dir you installed in
chcon -R system_u:object_r:httpd_modules_t lib/
Now restart apache and it should work.
google it by "ZendExtensionManager.so: failed to map segment from shared object: Permission denied" thank you sir~ 果然是这个问题,谢谢!