lonewind 发表于 2005-8-19 15:55:06


小弟是第一次安装gentoo,在按照gentoo中文社区中的handbook步骤到安装编译内核即emerge gentoo-source这一步时(从stage3开始),发现需要在终端联到国外网,但是由于不懂在终端下设置代理,所以就卡在这个地方了,希望各位懂得在终端下设置代理或者其他解决方法的兄弟施与援手,非常感谢!


ubuntu / # emerge gentoo-sources
Calculating dependencies ...done!
>>> emerge (1 of 1) sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-2.6.11-r3 to /
>>> Downloading http://distfiles.gentoo.org/distfiles/genpatches-2.6-11.03-extras.tar.bz2
         => `/usr/portage/distfiles/genpatches-2.6-11.03-extras.tar.bz2'
正在解析主机 distfiles.gentoo.org...,
正在连接 distfiles.gentoo.org:80... failed: 连接超时.
正在连接 distfiles.gentoo.org:80... failed: 连接超时.


linky_fan 发表于 2005-8-19 22:34:21

Optional: Configure any Proxies

If you access the Internet through a proxy, you might need to set up proxy information during the installation. It is very easy to define a proxy: you just need to define a variable which contains the proxy server information.

In most cases, you can just define the variables using the server hostname. As an example, we assume the proxy is called proxy.gentoo.org and the port is 8080.

2: Defining proxy servers

(If the proxy filters HTTP traffic)
# export http_proxy="http://proxy.gentoo.org:8080"
(If the proxy filters FTP traffic)
# export ftp_proxy="ftp://proxy.gentoo.org:8080"
(If the proxy filters RSYNC traffic)
# export RSYNC_PROXY="proxy.gentoo.org:8080"

If your proxy requires a username and password, you should use the following syntax for the variable:

3: Adding username/password to the proxy variable

http://username:[email protected]:8080
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查看完整版本: 安装gentoo时在编译内核这一步出现问题