是有这个问题。 magiclinux的APT怎么用呢? apt-get update
apt-get install 软件名称
只好作罢,等有了电信的源再说吧。 公司上外网有限制呀……求TP-Link 的 TM-IP5600 的驱动for Magic Linux
古老的东东,赫赫 我想问一下,atp下载的软件放在什么地方? 需要添加源吗?我是从Ubuntu5.10和FC4转过来的,那两个发行版要添加源。所以问问 # apt-get update
0% [ConnecI CE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 5847, errno = 0
Get:1 http://apt.magiclinux.org magiclinux release
Err http://auvtech.com magic release
Could not connect to auvtech.com:80 (, connection tim out
Fetched 1753B in 2m4s (14B/s)
Get:1 http://apt.magiclinux.org magiclinux/gnome pkglist
Get:2 http://apt.magiclinux.org magiclinux/gnome release
Get:3 http://apt.magiclinux.org magiclinux/extras pkglist
Get:4 http://apt.magiclinux.org magiclinux/extras release
Get:5 http://apt.magiclinux.org magiclinux/os pkglist
Err http://auvtech.com magic/gnome pkglist
Could not connect to auvtech.com:80 (, connection tim out
Err http://auvtech.com magic/gnome release
Could not connect to auvtech.com:80 (, connection timed out
Get:6 http://apt.magiclinux.org magiclinux/os release
Get:7 http://apt.magiclinux.org magiclinux/updates pkglist
Err http://auvtech.com magic/updates pkglist
Could not connect to auvtech.com:80 (, connection timed out
Get:8 http://apt.magiclinux.org magiclinux/updates release
Get:9 http://apt.magiclinux.org magiclinux/gnome srclist
Get:10 http://apt.magiclinux.org magiclinux/extras srclist
Get:11 http://apt.magiclinux.org magiclinux/os srclist
Get:12 http://apt.magiclinux.org magiclinux/updates srclist
Err http://auvtech.com magic/updates release
Could not connect to auvtech.com:80 (, connection timed out
Err http://auvtech.com magic/extras pkglist
Could not connect to auvtech.com:80 (, connection timed out
Err http://auvtech.com magic/extras release
Could not connect to auvtech.com:80 (, connection timed out
Err http://auvtech.com magic/experimental pkglist
Could not connect to auvtech.com:80 (, connection timed out
Err http://auvtech.com magic/experimental release
Could not connect to auvtech.com:80 (, connection timed out
Err http://auvtech.com magic/gnome srclist
Could not connect to auvtech.com:80 (, connection timed out
Err http://auvtech.com magic/updates srclist
Could not connect to auvtech.com:80 (, connection timed out
Err http://auvtech.com magic/extras srclist
Could not connect to auvtech.com:80 (, connection timed out
Err http://auvtech.com magic/experimental srclist
Could not connect to auvtech.com:80 (, connection timed out
Fetched 566kB in 24m0s (393B/s)
Failed to fetch http://auvtech.com/~xinzhen/downloads/apt/magic/base/releaseCould not connect to auvtech.com:80 (, connection timed out
Failed to fetch http://auvtech.com/~xinzhen/downloads/apt/magic/base/pkglist.gnomeCould not connect to auvtech.com:80 (, connection timed out
Failed to fetch http://auvtech.com/~xinzhen/downloads/apt/magic/base/release.gnomeCould not connect to auvtech.com:80 (, connection timed out
Failed to fetch http://auvtech.com/~xinzhen/downloads/apt/magic/base/pkglist.updatesCould not connect to auvtech.com:80 (, connection timed out
Failed to fetch http://auvtech.com/~xinzhen/downloads/apt/magic/base/release.updatesCould not connect to auvtech.com:80 (, connection timed out
Failed to fetch http://auvtech.com/~xinzhen/downloads/apt/magic/base/pkglist.extrasCould not connect to auvtech.com:80 (, connection timed out
Failed to fetch http://auvtech.com/~xinzhen/downloads/apt/magic/base/release.extrasCould not connect to auvtech.com:80 (, connection timed out
Failed to fetch http://auvtech.com/~xinzhen/downloads/apt/magic/base/pkglist.experimentalCould not connect to auvtech.com:80 (, connection timed out
Failed to fetch http://auvtech.com/~xinzhen/downloads/apt/magic/base/release.experimentalCould not connect to auvtech.com:80 (, connection timed out
Failed to fetch http://auvtech.com/~xinzhen/downloads/apt/magic/base/srclist.gnomeCould not connect to auvtech.com:80 (, connection timed out
Failed to fetch http://auvtech.com/~xinzhen/downloads/apt/magic/base/srclist.updatesCould not connect to auvtech.com:80 (, connection timed out
Failed to fetch http://auvtech.com/~xinzhen/downloads/apt/magic/base/srclist.extrasCould not connect to auvtech.com:80 (, connection timed out
Failed to fetch http://auvtech.com/~xinzhen/downloads/apt/magic/base/srclist.experimentalCould not connect to auvtech.com:80 (, connection timed out
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
W: Release files for some repositories could not be retrieved or authenticated. Such repositories are being ignored.
W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems
E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. 建议赶快加入 tcl8.4, tk8.4, tcl8.4-dev, tk8.4-dev
debian和ubuntu都是用的cn99 ln -s libmagick so.9 libmagick so.6
一般这样没问题的 NICMICHAEL, 看 Gnome 的发布贴 在库里没找到 xmms。感觉放mp3还是xmms最方便、利索。强烈希望增加它 !!! 不知能否将rf5中的xmms安装在ml 2中? 在库里没找到 xmms。感觉放mp3还是xmms最方便、利索。强烈希望增加它 !!!
beep-media-player,简称BMP,就是一款基于XMMS的播放器,界面和XMMS以及Winamp和相似的,功能也差不多 我用 #apt-get dist-upgrade升级提示:
Get:1 http://apt.magiclinux.org magiclinux/os kdebase 3.4.3-7mgc
Get:2 http://apt.magiclinux.org magiclinux/os kdelibs 3.4.3-6mgc
Get:3 http://apt.magiclinux.org magiclinux/os zhttf-fonts 2.0-3mgc
Fetched 15.3MB in 1m14s (204kB/s)
Failed to fetch http://apt.magiclinux.org/magiclinux/RPMS.os/kdebase-3.4.3-7mgc.i686.rpmSize mismatch
Failed to fetch http://apt.magiclinux.org/magiclinux/RPMS.os/kdelibs-3.4.3-6mgc.i686.rpmSize mismatch
Failed to fetch http://apt.magiclinux.org/magiclinux/RPMS.os/zhttf-fonts-2.0-3mgc.i686.rpmSize mismatch
E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?
update 或加了参数还是不行,请问怎么搞啊