1. rpm -ivh bcm*.rpm
2. cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/
3. rpm -bb bcm5700.spec
下面的就不用说了,第三步开始出现error, 提示没有 -bb可选项,
用过 rpmbuild -bb ,也是一样的!
不知道这是什么原因? 求救啊! 把readme等安装说明贴出来 把readme等安装说明贴出来
Installation Notes
Broadcom BCM5700 Linux Driver
Version 8.2.18
Broadcom Corporation
16215 Alton Parkway,
Irvine, CA 92619-7013
Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Broadcom Corporation
All rights reserved
Table of Contents
Installing Source RPM Package
Building Driver From TAR File
Patching Driver Into Kernel
Unloading and Removing Driver
Module Parameters
Driver Messages
This file describes the Linux driver for the Broadcom NetXtreme BCM5700
series 10/100/1000 Mbps PCI/PCI-X/PCI Express Ethernet Network Controllers.
The current version of the driver has been tested on the latest Red Hat, SuSE,
and other Linux distributions for i386, ia64, and x86_64 CPU architectures
using 2.4.x and 2.6.x kernels. The driver has been tested up to kernel
version 2.4.31 and 2.6.12.
The driver should work on other little endian or big endian CPU architectures,
but only very limited testing has been done on some of these machines. The
Makefile may have to be modified to include architecture specific compile
switches, and some minor changes in the source files may also be required.
On these machines, patching the driver into the kernel is recommended (see
below for instructions).
The driver is released in two packaging formats: source RPM and compressed tar
formats. The file names for the two packages are bcm5700-<version>.src.rpm and
bcm5700-<version>.tar.gz respectively. Identical source files to build the
driver are included in both packages. bcm_sup-<version> is a seperate tar file
that contains additional utilities such as patches and driver diskette images
for network installation.
Installing Source RPM Package
The following are general guidelines for installing the driver. Refer to
DISTRIB.TXT for additional installation notes for various Linux distributions.
1. Install the source RPM package:
rpm -ivh bcm5700-<version>.src.rpm
2. CD to the RPM path and build the binary driver for your kernel:
cd /usr/src/{redhat,OpenLinux,turbo,packages,rpm ..}
rpm -bb SPECS/bcm5700.spec
rpmbuild -bb SPECS/bcm5700.spec (for RPM version 4.x.x)
Note that the RPM path is different for different Linux distributions.
3. Install the newly built package (driver and man page):
rpm -ivh RPMS/i386/bcm5700-<version>.i386.rpm
Note that the --force option is needed if installing on Red Hat 7.2, 7.3,
2.1AS and others that already contain an older version of the driver.
The driver will be installed in the following path:
2.2.x kernels:
2.4.x kernels:
2.4.x kernels with bcm5700 as an addon driver (e.g. Red Hat 7.3, 2.1AS):
2.6.x kernels:
2.6.x kernels with bcm5700 as an addon driver (e.g. SuSE 9 SLES):
4. Load the driver:
modprobe bcm5700
If loading the driver on Red Hat 3 update 4, 2.1 AS or other newer kernels with the
tg3 driver, refer to the "Removing tg3 Driver" in DISTRIB.TXT before loading
the driver.
5. To configure network protocol and address, refer to various Linux
Building Driver From TAR File
The following are general guidelines for installing the driver. Refer to
DISTRIB.TXT for additional installation notes for various Linux distributions.
1. Create a directory and extract the files:
tar xvzf bcm5700-<version>.tar.gz
2. Build the driver bcm5700.o as a loadable module for the running kernel:
cd src
3. Test the driver by loading it:
insmod bcm5700.o
insmod bcm5700.ko (on 2.6.x kernels)
If loading the driver on Red Hat 3 update 4, 2.1 AS or other newer kernels with the
tg3 driver, refer to the "Removing tg3 Driver" in DISTRIB.TXT before loading
the driver.
4. Install the driver and man page:
make install
See RPM instructions above for the location of the installed driver.
5. To configure network protocol and address, refer to various Linux
Patching Driver Into Kernel (Optional)
Patch files are included for patching the driver into some of the latest
2.4.x and 2.6.x kernel source trees. This step is optional and can be done
by users familiar with configuring and building the kernel. The patch
will modify the orginal kernel's source code.
The following steps may allow you to patch the driver into a kernel:
1. Select the patch file that matches your kernel and apply the patch:
patch -p1 -d <kernel_src_root> < bcm5700-<version>-2.4.<x>.patch
patch -p1 -d <kernel_src_root> < bcm5700-<version>-2.6.<x>.patch
where <version> is the version of the bcm5700 driver and 2.4.<x> is the
version of the kernel to patch (e.g. 2.4.31).
Note: <kernel_src_root> is usually /usr/src/linux or /usr/src/linux-2.4.<x>
Note: <kernel_src_root> is usually /usr/src/linux or /usr/src/linux-2.6.<x>
2. Configure the kernel to include the bcm5700 driver. It can be found
under Network Device Support ---> Ethernet (1000 Mbit) ---> Broadcom BCM5700
support when make menuconfig is run. Select built-in or module for the driver:
cd <kernel_src_root>
make menuconfig
3. Compile the kernel:
make dep
make clean
Unloading and Removing Driver
To unload the driver, use ifconfig to bring down all eth# interfaces opened
by the driver, then do the following:
rmmod bcm5700
If the driver was installed using rpm, do the following to remove it:
rpm -e bcm5700
If the driver was installed using make install from the tar file, the driver
bcm5700.o has to be manually deleted from the system. Refer to the section
"Installing Source RPM Package" for the location of the installed driver.
Module Parameters
Optional parameters for the driver can be supplied as command line arguments
to the insmod command. Typically, these parameters are set in the file
/etc/modules.conf (see the man page for modules.conf). These parameters take
the form
where the multiple values for the same parameter are for multiple NICs
installed in the system.
Note that default or other meaningful values will be used when invalid values
are selected. Some combinations of parameter values may conflict and lead to
failures. The driver cannot detect all such conflicting combinations.
All the parameters are listed below.
Selects the line speed of the link. This parameter is used together with
full_duplex and auto_speed to select the speed and duplexity of the link
and the setting of autonegotiation.
The valid values are:
0 Autonegotiate for highest speed supported by link partner (default)
10 10 Mbps
100 100 Mbps
1000 1000 Mbps
If line_speed is set to 10, 100, or 1000, the NIC will autonegotiate for
the selected speed (and selected duplexity) if auto_speed is set to 1.
If auto_speed is set to 0, the selected speed and duplexity will be
set without autonegotiation. Note that 1000 Mbps must be negotiated for
copper twisted pair links.
Enables or disables autonegotiation. The valid values are:
0 Autonegotiation disabled
1 Autonegotiation enabled (default)
Note that this parameter is ignored and assumed 1 if line_speed is set
to 0.
Selects the duplexity of the link. This paramter is used together with
line_speed to select the speed and duplexity of the link. Note that this
parameter is ignored if line_speed is 0.
The valid values are:
0 half duplex
1 full duplex (default)
Enables or disables receiving flow control (pause) frames. This parameter
is used together with auto_flow_control. The valid values are:
0 pause receive disabled
1 pause receive enabled if auto_flow_control is set to 0, or
pause receive advertised if auto_flow_control is set to 1 (default)
Enables or disables transmitting flow control (pause) frames. This parameter
is used together with auto_flow_control. The valid values are:
0 pause transmit disabled
1 pause transmit enabled if auto_flow_control is set to 0, or
pause transmit advertised if auto_flow_control is set to 1 (default)
Enables or disables autonegotiation of flow control. This parameter is used
together with rx_flow_control and tx_flow_control to determine the
advertised flow control capability. The valid values are:
0 flow control autonegotiation disabled
1 flow control autonegotiation enabled with capability specified in
rx_flow_control and tx_flow_control (only valid if line_speed is
set to 0 or auto_speed is set to 1) (default)
Enables jumbo frames up to the specified MTU size. The valid range for
this parameter is 1500 to 9000. Default is 1500 which is standard
ethernet (non-jumbo) MTU size. Note that the MTU size excludes the
ethernet header size of 14 bytes. Actual frame size is MTU size + 14 bytes.
Jumbo MTU sizes are not supported on BCM5705 chips.
The MTU size can also be changed using ifconfig after the driver is loaded.
See the ifconfig man page for details.
Enables or disables hardware transmit TCP/UDP checksum. The valid values
0 checksum disabled
1 checksum enabled (default)
Enables or disables hardware receive TCP/UDP checksum validation. The
valid values are:
0 checksum disabled
1 checksum enabled (default)
Enables or disables scatter-gather and 64-bit DMA on x86. This option is
only useful when running on TUX-enabled kernels or newer kernels with
zero-copy TCP. The valid values are:
0 scatter-gather and 64-bit DMA on x86 disabled
1 scatter-gather and 64-bit DMA on x86 enabled (default)
Enables either NIC based or host based transmit buffer descriptors (Tx BDs).
NIC based Tx BDs may be slightly faster on certain machines on earlier
2.4 kernels where each transmit packet is usually entirely contiguous. On
later kernels with scatter-gather and TCP segmentation option, host based
Tx BDs using DMA transfer are usually faster. NIC based Tx BDs are not
supported on 5705 family controllers. The valid values are:
0 NIC based transmit buffer descriptors disabled (using host based
transmit buffer descriptors) (default)
1 NIC based transmit buffer descriptors enabled (not supported
on 5705 family controllers)
Configures the number of transmit descriptors. Default is 120. The
valid range is from 1 to 511. Note that the driver may not be able to
allocate the required amount of memory if this parameter is set too high.
Depending on kernel and CPU architecture, each descriptor may require up
to about 268 bytes. This parameter should not be set less than 80 if
adaptive_coalesce (see below) is enabled.
Configures the number of receive descriptors for frames up to 1528 bytes.
Default is 200. The valid range is from 1 to 511. This parameter should
not be set less than 80 on systems with high network traffic. Setting this
parameter higher allows the NIC to buffer larger bursts of network
traffic without dropping frames, especially on slower systems. Note that
the driver may not be able to allocate the required amount of memory if
this parameter is set too high. Depending on kernel and CPU architecture,
each descriptor may require up to about 268 bytes. Each descriptor also
requires a socket buffer of at least 1536 bytes. This parameter should not
be set less than 50 if adaptive_coalesce (see below) is enabled.
Configures the number of receive descriptors for jumbo frames larger
than 1528 bytes. Default is 128 and valid range is from 1 to 255.
When jumbo frames larger than 1528 bytes are used, this parameter should
not be set lower than 60 on systems with high network traffic. Setting
this parameter higher allows the NIC to buffer larger bursts of jumbo
traffic without dropping frames, especially on slower systems. Depending
on kernel and CPU architecture, each descriptor may require up to about
268 bytes. Each descriptor also requires a socket buffer the size of a
maximum jumbo frame. On systems with insufficient memory, it may be
necessary to reduce this parameter. This parameter should not be set less
than 50 if adaptive_coalesce (see below) is enabled. When the maximum
frame size is 1528 or smaller (MTU size 1514 or smaller), this parameter
is not used and is always 0.
Enables or disables adaptive adjustments to the various interrupt
coalescing parameters. Enabling it allows the driver to dynamically
adjust the interrupt coalescing parameters to achieve high throughput
during heavy traffic and low latency during light traffic.
rx_std_desc_cnt, (and rx_jumbo_desc_cnt if using jumbo frames) should not
be set less than 50, and tx_pkt_desc_cnt should not be set less than 80
when this parameter is enabled. Note that if the kernel supports the NAPI
receive polling mode, interrupt coalescing will be handled in a different
way and this parameter will not be used. The valid values are:
0 disabled (always disabled in NAPI mode)
1 enabled (default)
Configures the number of 1 usec ticks before the NIC generates receive
interrupt after receiving a frame. This parameter works in conjunction
with the rx_max_coalesce_frames parameter. Interrupt will be generated
when either of these thresholds is exceeded. 0 means this parameter is
ignored and interrupt will be generated when the rx_max_coalesce_frames
threshold is reached. The valid range is from 0 to 500, and default is
60 (18 if using NAPI mode). This parameter is not used and will be
adjusted automatically if adaptive_coalesce is set to 1.
Configures the number of received frames before the NIC generates receive
interrupt. The valid range is from 0 to 100, and default is 15 (6 if using
NAPI mode). This parameter and rx_coalesce_ticks cannot be both 0,
otherwise no receive interrupts will be generated. It should also be set
lower than rx_std_desc_cnt (and rx_jumbo_desc_cnt if using jumbo frames).
This parameter is not used and will be adjusted automatically if
adaptive_coalesce is set to 1.
Configures the number of 1 usec ticks before the NIC generates transmit
interrupt after transmitting a frame. This parameter works in conjunction
with the tx_max_coalesce_frames parameter. Interrupt will be generated
when either of these thresholds is exceeded. 0 means this
parameter is ignored and interrupt will be generated when the
tx_max_coalesce_frames threshold is reached. The valid range is from 0 to
500, and default is 200. This parameter is not used and will be adjusted
automatically if adaptive_coalesce is set to 1.
Configures the number of transmitted frames before the NIC generates
transmit interrupt. The valid range is from 0 to 100, and default is 35.
This parameter and tx_coalesce_ticks cannot be both 0, otherwise no
transmit completion interrupt will be generated. This parameter should
always be set lower than tx_pkt_desc_cnt. This parameter is not used and
will be adjusted automatically if adaptive_coalesce is set to 1.
Configures the number of 1 usec ticks between periodic statistics updates
(DMAs). The valid range is from 100 to 3600000000, and default is 1000000
(1 sec.). 0 is also valid and is used to disable statistics updates.
This parameter is not used and will be set to default if adaptive_coalesce
is set to 1. Please note that the valid range may vary by kernel version.
Enables or disables magic packet Wake-On-LAN when the system is shutdown.
Note that not all systems support Wake-On-LAN. The valid values are:
0 magic packet Wake-On-LAN disabled (default)
1 magic packet Wake-On-LAN enabled
Enables or disables TCP Segmentation Option (TSO) when using kernels that
support it. This parameter is only defined on newer kernels that support
TSO. The valid values are:
0 TSO disabled
1 TSO enabled (default)
Enables or disables message signal interrupts (MSI) when using kernels that
support it. This parameter is only defined on newer kernels that support
MSI. The valid values are:
1 MSI disabled
0 MSI enabled (default)
Note: Only applies to the latest devices.
This parameter controls the stripping of VLAN tags on incoming packets,
and is used to allow VLAN tagged ASF or IPMI packets to be received
properly. The valid values are:
0 Auto mode (default)
1 Normal strip mode
2 Forced strip mode
In normal mode, VLAN tags are only stripped if VLANs are registered
by the 802.1q VLAN module or BASP. In forced strip mode, VLAN tags
are always stripped. Auto mode will select normal strip mode if ASF/IPMI
is disabled, or forced strip mode if ASF/IPMI is enabled.
If set to 1, this parameter will cause the driver to return
-EOPNOTSUPP when the SIOCGMIIREG or ETHTOOL_GLINK ioctls are called
during the first 6 seconds after driver reset. When the driver resets
the NIC during ifconfig, the link will drop and it may take several
seconds for the link to come up after autonegotiation completes. Some
applications, such as ifup, may not wait long enough for the link
before giving up. Setting this parameter to 1 may get around such
problems. The default value is 0, which means that the driver will
always return true link states to all ioctl calls, when applicable.
If set to 1, this parameter will cause the driver to never
put the device in D3Hot power state when the NIC is shutdown or
suspended. If set, this parameter will also disable the Wake-On-Lan
setting. A rare D3Hot related problem was seen during repeated
shutdown of PCI Express devices on systems running 2.6 kernels.
Driver Messages
The following are the most common sample messages that may be logged in the file
/var/log/messages. Use dmesg -n <level> to control the level at which messages
will appear on the console. Most systems are set to level 6 by default.
Broadcom Gigabit Ethernet Driver bcm5700 with Broadcom NIC Extension (NICE)
ver. 8.2.18 (08/01/05)
Driver signon
eth#: Broadcom BCM5704 1000Base-T found at mem faff0000, IRQ 16, node addr
eth#: Broadcom BCM5704 Integrated Copper transceiver found
eth#: Scatter-gather ON, 64-bit DMA ON, Tx Checksum ON, Rx Checksum ON, 802.1Q VLAN ON, TSO ON, NAPI ON
NIC detected
bcm5700: eth# NIC Link is Up, 1000 Mbps full duplex, receive and transmit flow control ON
Link up and speed indication
bcm5700: eth# NIC Link is Down
Link down indication
Detailed statistics and configuration information can be viewed in the file
/proc/net/nicinfo/eth#.info. 直接安装其二进制包吧 直接安装其二进制包吧
你指的是rpm包吗? 或者我不明白啊,你能说得具体些吗?
rpm -ivh RPMS/i386/bcm5700-<version>.i386.rpm
modprobe bcm5700
看说明,你也可以从.tar源码包开始编译安装。 谢谢您们的解答!
我在想5721 和 5700 都属于57xx系列芯片,那么没道理