芯片专家 发表于 2005-10-17 11:10:21

关于找不到shared libraries目标文件!!

I installed IUS53 on linux .

but i don't no how to set the settings .

i use lmgrd and get the license started .

i add the path to the .cshrc as following
set path=($path /disk/eda2s/cadence/IUS/tools/bin )
set path=($path /disk/eda2s/cadence/IUS/tools/dfII/bin)

tools is the symbol link of tools.Inx86

i can use ultrasim command to read *.sp and get the reports on the screen .

but when i use the command simvision , it displays

>/home/xulei/eda/IUS53/tools.lnx86/nclaunch/bin/nclaunch.exe: error while loading shared libraries: libcdsdoc_sh.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

i don't no why , and i don't no how to settle it . I searched the doc directory in the install directory , i still can't get answer .

plz , anybody help me . thanks in advance

ps:IUS53支持平台 (My sysetm is RH7.2)
# Supported Platforms and Configurations

32-bit Version Support:

NOTE: The maximum process size on the 32-bit version varies from port to port. For example,

AIX is about 2 GB, Linux i686 is about 2.8 GB, Solaris is about 3.6 GB, HP is about 3GB, and Linux Opteron is

about 4 GB. If your process size exceeds these limits, it is recommended that you use the 64-bit version.

- Sun SPARC and Ultra SPARC platforms: Solaris 8 and 9
- HP Precision Architecture platforms: HP-UX 11 and 11i

- IBM Power Architecture platforms: AIX 5.1 (CeltIC, CTE, and PacifIC only)

- Intel Xeon/Pentium platforms: RedHat 7.2, 7.3, 8.0, and Enterprise 2.1

- AMD Opteron platforms: RedHat Enterprise 3.0
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