user@ping /ping/testsuite/2.0/pxa/2.6.x$ /ping/skyeye/binary/skyeye
------------------------- SkyEye -V1.0 ---------------------------
Usage: SkyEye program
Default mode is STANDALONE mode
-e exec-file the (ELF executable format)kernel file name.
-d in GDB Server mode (can be connected by GDB).
-c config-file the skyeye configure file name.
-h This Help Display
debugmode= 0, filename = (null), server TCP port is 12345
cpu info: xscale, pxa25x, 69052100, fffffff0, 2
mach info: name pxa_lubbock, mach_init addr 0x43c0d0
SKYEYE: use xscale mmu ops
Loaded RAM ./initrd_minigui.img
user@ping /ping/testsuite/2.0/ep9312/2.6.x
$ /ping/skyeye/binary/skyeye
------------------------- SkyEye -V1.0 ---------------------------
Usage: SkyEye program
Default mode is STANDALONE mode
-e exec-file the (ELF executable format)kernel file name.
-d in GDB Server mode (can be connected by GDB).
-c config-file the skyeye configure file name.
-h This Help Display
debugmode= 0, filename = (null), server TCP port is 12345
cpu info: armv4, arm920t, 41009200, ff00fff0, 2
mach info: name ep9312, mach_init addr 0x43d6e0
SKYEYE: use arm920t mmu ops
Loaded RAM ./initrd.img
结果一样。。。 how to run xscale linux in skyeye?refer to the following url: Maybe you have not give right arguments. You should run skyeye like this:
$ /ping/skyeye/binary/skyeye -f skyeye.conf -e image_name 谢谢
忘了加-e 参数