为何人多 发表于 2005-10-30 16:43:13


开机选择Linux (,运行则出现如下错误:

Booting 'Linux ('

root (hd0,3)
Filesystem type is ext2fs,partition type 0x83
kernel /boot/vmlinuz- ro root=LABEL=/rhgh quiet
initrd /boot/initrd-

Uncompressing Linux ... ok,booting the kernel
Red Hat nash version 4.2.15 starting
mount:error 19 mounting ext3
ERROR Opening /dev/console !!!!:2
error dup2'ing fd of 0 to 0
error dup2'ing fd of 0 to 1
error dup2'ing fd of 0 to 2
switchroot :mount failed :22
kernel panic -not syncing :Attempted to kill init!

kenzgzcn 发表于 2005-10-30 22:28:10

yum update kernel

kenzgzcn 发表于 2005-10-30 22:42:00

如果想自己编译内核,可以先用load config把 /boot 下的config文件调入
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