这是我的配置文件的一部分,看看错在哪里,不能正常显示中文,但不影响玩cs等游戏,可是要安装的游戏就不行了。;Read documentation/fonts before adding aliases
"Resolution" = "96"
"Default" = "-adobe-times-"
; Use new improved fonts (uses FreeType and XRender libraries) at user request.
; Defaults to "Y".
;"FreeType" = "N"
"Pattern0" = "-adobe-times*"
"Pattern1" = "-adobe-helvetica*"
"Pattern2" = "-adobe-courier*"
"Pattern3" = "-misc-fixed*"
;; Add font aliases here. On the left put the name of the windows font family
;; that you want to fake, on the right put the a similar font family that you
;; have installed. These will override the fontconfig and the WineX builtin fallbacks,
;; but may look better (if you choose them correctly).
;; Alias' may refer to other alias' that have been defined above them.
;; These alias' are the first that WineX loads.
;; Serif Fonts
;"Times New Roman"="simsun"
"MS Serif"="simsun"
;; Sans Serif Fonts
"MS Sans Serif"="simsun"
;; Mono Space Fonts
;"Courier New"="Courier"
谢谢帮忙了 解决了,是我配置错误,有两段没有去掉注释
;Read documentation/fonts before adding aliases
"Resolution" = "96"
"Default" = "-adobe-times-"
; Use new improved fonts (uses FreeType and XRender libraries) at user request.
; Defaults to "Y".
;"FreeType" = "N"
"Pattern0" = "-adobe-times*"
"Pattern1" = "-adobe-helvetica*"
"Pattern2" = "-adobe-courier*"
"Pattern3" = "-misc-fixed*"
;; Add font aliases here. On the left put the name of the windows font family
;; that you want to fake, on the right put the a similar font family that you
;; have installed. These will override the fontconfig and the WineX builtin fallbacks,
;; but may look better (if you choose them correctly).
;; Alias' may refer to other alias' that have been defined above them.
;; These alias' are the first that WineX loads.
;; Serif Fonts
"Times New Roman"="simsun"
"MS Serif"="simsun"
;; Sans Serif Fonts
"MS Sans Serif"="simsun"
;; Mono Space Fonts
;"Courier New"="Courier"
呵呵,真高兴 请写得具体点,以便别人也可以分享。 你看一下中文输入有没有问题 肯定不行。中文输入,cedega 还不支持!估计cedega也没有支持的打算!
因为中国人真正 给钱用cedega 估计是很少的! "Times New Roman"="simsun"