我的是km400集成显卡,已经装上显卡驱动了,但是就是无法 实现3d硬件加速,请教大虾怎么办? 说说你怎么装的好么?实际上如果不玩儿游戏,3D加速没有什么用。 我就是按照里面help文件说名提示下一步一步作的阿
1.2.1 Login as root
1.2.2 Check is there a link point to /usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86
# cd /etc/X11
# ls -l X
If there is no link named "X", then do following..
# ln -s /usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86 X
If you skip the step of X setup when install Linux, there
will be no link named "X" in /etc/X11.
1.2.3 Run "xf86config" to configure your keyboard, mouse and monitor
# xf86config
The configuration program will create the file "XF86Conifg" in the
/etc/X11 directory. If there is the file named "XF86Config-4",
please remove or rename it.
1.3 Install driver and utility
a. Uncompress this file
# tar zxvf CN-CLE-PMXF400xx-kernel-bin-_.tgz(x is version number)
b. Installation XServer driver
# cd CN-CLE-PMXF400xx-kernel-bin-_/CN-CLE-PMXF400xx-kernel
# ./vinstall
c. Select what kind of CPU you used
1.4 Install DRI library
a. change directory into DRI
# cdCN-CLE-PMXF400xx-kernel-bin-_/DRI
b. Installation
然后就是Configure XFree86
# login as root
# Edit /etc/X11/XF86Confit-4 or XF86Config
3.1 Set driver
In the Section "Device", make sure the driver is "via".
Driver "via"
for example, if you choose "S3 Savge4 (generic)", please rename
Driver "savage" to Driver "via"
最后就是对刷新率等参数的简单修改设置了 我的就是glxgears的测试结果很低