近日在FC4-x86_64系统下安装Intel Fortran Compiler,安装完成后,提示要进行软件配置。本人是Linux新手,对其提示不是太明白,试验了多次不能解决,请高人给解惑一下。下面就是提示:Setting Up the Compiler Environment
The programs in the Intel Fortran Compiler 9.0 for Linux product rely on the environment variables PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH. The installation script (install.sh) creates compiler environment script files (ifortvars.sh/idbvars.sh) that set these variables. It is strongly recommended that you add those script files into your login script (.login file). Once the variables are set in the ".login" file there is no need to run the script files for each session.
source the script to setup the compiler environment:
* > source <install-dir>/bin/ifortvars.sh(.csh)
to use ifort
* > source <install-dir>/bin/idbvars.sh(.csh)
to use idb
The installation program also creates compiler configuration files named <install-dir>/bin/ifort.cfg that contain common settings for all compilations. You can edit these files to add additional default options. Note, if you install a compiler update package, you need to save the configuration file, if you have modified it, to another filename so that the installation doesn't overwrite your modified file.
多谢! 说的很明白啊?有什么不懂的?
不知道你的编译器,是否能用?能用就行了。 哦,我似乎明白了,不知道.login在什么地方?是不是在FC4中要修改.bash_profile文件啊? 试试再说。