pjc5520 发表于 2006-2-12 10:54:24


NTFS-fs warning (device sdc1): parse_options(): Option utf8 is no longer support ed, using option nls=utf8. Please use option nls=utf8 in the future and make sur e utf8 is compiled either as a module or into the kernel.
NTFS volume version 3.1.
NTFS-fs error (device sdc1): load_system_files(): $LogFile is not clean.Mounti ng read-only.Mount in Windows.

pjc5520 发表于 2006-2-12 11:14:05

SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses transition SIDs
NTFS driver 2.1.24 .
NTFS volume version 3.1.
NTFS-fs error (device sda6): load_system_files(): Volume is dirty.Mounting rea d-only.Run chkdsk and mount in Windows.

KDE 发表于 2006-2-12 13:37:07

NTFS-fs warning (device sdc1): parse_options(): Option utf8 is no longer support ed, using option nls=utf8. Please use option nls=utf8 in the future and make sur e utf8 is compiled either as a module or into the kernel.
NTFS-fs error (device sda6): load_system_files(): Volume is dirty. Mounting rea d-only. Run chkdsk and mount in Windows.
内核对 ntfs 的支持基本是只读的,写入功能极弱,需要用 ntfsmount 挂载才能真正写 ntfs 分区。这句话告诉你 ntfs 卷不干净(没有正常关机),(出于安全性考虑)以只读方式挂载它,你应该启动进入 windows,windows 系统挂载这个分区会发新问题,会自动扫描修复。

pjc5520 发表于 2006-2-13 10:00:22

在请教一下,SELinux是不是也对Fedora 下的ntfs分区的读写权限有什么影响。
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