文泉驿新点阵v0.7(北斗)beta 版以提供下载,地址为http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=128192&package_id=156288
$Id: WQY_Dou_ChangeLog 0.7 Rev. 0 2006/3/19 17:00:10 qianqianfang Exp$
Wen Quan Yi Bitmap Song
WenQuanYi Bitmap Song ChangeLog:
2006/3/19(release v0.7 beta, a mile-stone release):
[this release was developped primarily by FangQ]
1. removed all YanHuang GBK Bitmap fonts(the 12pt
face of previous releases), replaced with 12pt
GB2312 font by Chinese Academia Sinica and
HabianCJK Project public domain fonts.
2. dramatic improvement of the most frequently
used characters for all other pixels sizes,
the font quality is as good as commertial fonts.
3. Latin characeters were adjusted, especially
the spacings
4. all glyphs in 9/10/11pt fonts were moved upward
by 1px
5. provided two optional font sizes: 10.5pt and 14pt
(medium and bold) in a separate package
6. used "Permission of font embedding clause" in GPL
v2.0 license.
2005/8/8 (release v0.6):
1. extensive improvement on the most frequently
used Chinese characters (simplified/traditional),
more than ten thousands of glyphs were adjusted
and re-drawn.
2. redesigned the Latin letters and digits
3. Hangul glyphs now support both medium and bold faces
4. move 12pt Chinese glyphs downward by 2 pixels
5. correct font header information
6. included un-gzipped pcf and sfnt formats in the release
for faster glyph rendering
7. corrected a bug in the bolding algorithm,
regenerated all bold face CJK characters
2005/6/25 (release v0.5, preview release):
1. initial release, version 0.5
2. complete CJK Unified Ideographics glyphs
for 9/10/11/12 pt bitmap glyphs
3. improve more than 20,000 existing firefly
and Redflag bitmap
4. update English letters and numbers to Sans-Serif style
5. create bold font for the corresponding CJK
6. add Korean glyphs for 12pt font extracted from
$Id: WQY_Dou_ChangeLog 0.7 Rev. 0 2006/3/19 17:00:10 qianqianfang Exp$
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