我安装了Fedora Core3,认不出我的网络(IC+ IP100A),在官方网站上下了驱动以后,按照提示make,可是根本就make不了,有没有老大指点一下,这是驱动的readme中的说明,指2.6核心的方法#make all=> generate sundance.ko
#insmod ./sundance.ko (or sundance.o)
#ifconfig eth0 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx netmask yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
eth0 is your network adapter,use "dmesg" to check it, ex: eth0, eth1...
xxxis your ip address, ex:
yyyis your netmask address, ex:
下载的文件包括:sundance_main.c IC Plus IP100 Linux Driver Source Code.
This file is the main part of IP100 Linux Driver.
compat.h Network interface message level settings.
crc32.h Crc function for early Linux 2.4.19pre kernel inclusion
ethtool.h: Defines for Linux ethtool.
mii.h definitions for MII-compatible transceivers.
mii.c MII interface library.
makefile Make File For IP100 Linux Driver.
Using "make all" for your kernel.
readme.txt A summary of the contents for Linux Driver.
This file, which you are reading me now. 在第一步就无法执行了,make提示什么缺少变量,晕死。。 各位老大救救急啊,linux下没有网络怎么弄啊。 把错误贴出来啊