hejux 发表于 2006-7-21 21:05:32

shut down your fucking linux !

Close your web browser, shut down your fucking linux "b0xen" and go outside for
once in your life.

I think the fact that a site like slashdot, which caters to you fucking nerds
out there, can't even survive without having to charge you for reading it, says
alot about how much you fucks are worth to the rest of the world: ZERO.

This should serve as a wakeup call to all you nerds out there who think that
working on your b0xen in your one bedroom apartment, posting useless shit to a
useless web site like slashdot and reading about the newest version of OpenBSD
that can run on your fucking Dreamcast console is a good way to go through

So wake the fuck up and DO something productive, something that makes money.
Stop wasting your time talking about open source fucking garbage that will
never amount to anything useful.

xhbdahai 发表于 2006-7-21 21:21:57


hejux 发表于 2006-7-21 21:24:57

just come on !

you will find this all fucking word are really fucking true !

hejux 发表于 2006-8-5 17:37:03

say it again

the fucking devil linux

zing 发表于 2006-8-5 19:08:55


WeiMingzhi 发表于 2006-8-5 20:19:26

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