大家好,小弟初学linux,安装的是Red Hat9,但是安装后不能上网,我的网卡是华硕主板(P4PE-X)内置的bcm4400,安装说明文档如下,但是我也没有看懂,不知哪位大侠帮个忙啊!nstalling Source RPM Package
1. Install the source RPM package:
rpm -ivh bcm4400-<version>.src.rpm
If installing the driver on SuSE Linux, refer to the Notes section below
before continuing.
2. CD to the RPM path and build the binary driver for your kernel:
cd /usr/src/{redhat,OpenLinux,turbo,packages,rpm ..}
rpm -bb SPECS/bcm4400.spec
rpmbuild -bb SPECS/bcm4400.spec (for RPM version 4.x.x)
Note that the RPM path is different for different Linux distributions.
3. Install the newly built package (driver and man page):
rpm -ivh RPMS/i386/bcm4400-<version>.i386.rpm
The driver will be installed in the following path:
2.2.x kernels:
2.4.x kernels:
4. Load the driver:
insmod bcm4400
5. To configure network protocol and address, refer to various Linux
Building Driver From TAR File
1. Create a directory and extract the files:
tar xvzf bcm4400-<version>.tar.gz
If installing the driver on SuSE Linux, refer to the Notes section below
before continuing.
2. Build the driver bcm4400.o as a loadable module for the running kernel:
cd src
3. Test the driver by loading it:
insmod bcm4400.o
4. Install the driver and man page:
make install
See RPM instructions above for the location of the installed driver.
5. To configure network protocol and address, refer to various Linux
Note 1: If compiling the driver under SuSE Linux kernel and errors are
reported, follow the general guidelines below to rebuild the kernel
source tree:
cd /usr/src/linux-<kernel_version>.SuSE
cp /boot/vmlinuz.config .config
cp /boot/vmlinuz.version.h include/linux/version.h
cp /boot/vmlinuz.autoconf.h include/linux/autoconf.h
make oldconfig
make dep
where <kernel_version> is the actual kernel version used in the SuSE
distribution. Example: /usr/src/linux-2.4.4.SuSE
Unloading and Removing Driver
To unload the driver, use ifconfig to bring down all eth# interfaces opened
by the driver, then do the following:
rmmod bcm4400
If the driver was installed using rpm, do the following to remove it:
rpm -e bcm4400
If the driver was installed using make install from the tar file, the driver
bcm4400.o has to be manually deleted from the system. Refer to the section
"Building Driver From TAR File" for the location of the installed driver. 说明书太长,你的安装过程不清楚。建议: