intel宣布启动一个大型开源驱动程序项目啊。为此还专门开了个网站 http://www.intellinuxgraphics.org/ 。从文档来看,整个开源驱动覆盖了i810用的i752到G965的GMAX3000! 英特尔这行为真令人感动,我的i815有救了。 我的945GM也有救了? ding !!! 还有ATI,http://osnews.com/comment.php?news_id=15446 :P:P:P
都是好消息 要是nvidia也弄一个就最好了。 还有ATI,
AMD To Open-Source ATI Drivers?
AMD is strongly considering open-sourcing at least a functional subset of ATI’s graphics drivers. It’s time for X Window System, OpenGL, and client virtualization for which ATI binary drivers aren’t available to escape the ghetto of the 1980s-era framebuffer. And what a boon for PR. If AMD’s graphics cards were the only ones with open device drivers, it might affect a buying decision or two.
strongly considering open-sourcing
不过我很希望AMD(ATI)显卡驱动开源。我的本用得就是Mobility Radeon 9700,用r300驱动慢的跟牛车一样。