T-Mac2 发表于 2006-10-16 16:05:56


近日在我华硕A8H23EJC上安装了FC4, 一切比较顺利. 但是我从终端输入"shutdown -h now"或"poweroff"
时,过了十分钟电源灯还没熄灭, 最后不得不长按电源按钮这才关机. 有朋友提出如下建议:


/sbin/chkconfig --list acpid

I think it should show "on" for runlevels 2345

If not turn it on via the root user:


> su -
<root password>
# /sbin/chkconfig acpid on
# /sbin/chkconfig --list acpid <-- to confirm the "acpid on" we just did
# /etc/init.d/acpid start
# /etc/init.d/acpid status <-- should report acpid is running
# exit

> poweroff < -- as a normal user

我照做了,还是不行. 不过我注意到在关机过程中出现了"Stopping NFS locking FAILED",
是不是跟这个现象有关,向诸高手请教! :?:
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