请教下,ubuntu 6.06 destop版的根目录要多大
我想请问下ubuntu 6.06 destop版的根目录需要多大才够用啊 如果不分其他区的话,最好留7G-12G左右为好,当然越大越好。 我准备分三个区,这里就说是A.B.C吧.A是\, B是swap, C是\home,我总共有8g的硬盘够吗,怎么分配啊 如果你是新手,可以只分两个区,即一个ext3格式的区,挂/,一个swap。swap大约400M左右,其他都给/吧。linux下,分区叫文件系统。尽量不要用win的方式理解linux i can't use chinese!I'am new man.I try to download some soft,but i can't update it,system tell me:you have no QuanXian,my god!it's my computer,i update this OS,what can I do!? 可能是不能叫分区吧,和windows不概念,这位仁兄英文不错啊,哈哈 "system tell me " ,a wrong expression.
The system would not have given this tip to you ,for all the softs here are free.You can download it whenever.