mcpba 发表于 2006-12-11 20:13:24

转载:Why I left Fedora for Ubunt

Hi All,

I don't want to start a flame war just share my reasons for swapping
and hope some changes can be made to bring me back.

I stopped using Fedora several months ago and switched to Ubuntu.

I loved Fedora and used it for 3 years but I two things drove me to
Ubuntu it was upgrades and bloat. Let me explain.

First I got sick of having to download and burn 5 CDs for every
upgrade. Why can't Fedora produce a simple single CD install like
Ubuntu and have the installer grab extra stuff off repositories?
I was planning to upgrade from FC4 to FC5 and thought well I can't
be bothered I'll just go to Ubuntu Breezy.

I've recently upgraded for Breezy to Dapper and it was
simply a matter of changing the sources.list and buring one
CD. I didn't even have to download and burn a CD and could
have just done the upgrade via apt-get.

My other gripe was that Fedora seemed to consume a lot of disk space.
My ubuntu install uses 3.5 GB whereas it was more like 7 GB
on Fedora for the same functionailty. I had similar experiences
on SUSE. Why are debian based distro's so much leaner than
RPM based ones?

One final issue is yum vesus apt. Why is yum so slow compared to
apt when they do the same thing?

Anyway just wanted to share my experience. Fedora is a great
distro but getting from one version to the next is just too much work.

Hope Fedora can address my issues especially the single CD install.

regards Scott

mcpba 发表于 2006-12-11 20:46:38


wujihuawu 发表于 2006-12-11 22:26:08


客游 发表于 2006-12-12 08:54:18

说出来一些问题,不过确实apt要比yum快很多,这个我在原来用debian的时候有感触,不过现在再用rhel 4。至于说光盘多的问题,必须刻盘那就是他的问题了,其实yum也是可以从低版本升级到高版本的。不过危险性比较大,呵呵呵和
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