is the mozilla support the frame?
when i connect the and go into the bbs,mymozilla seems not work correct,it seems that it can't support
the frame of the bbs,so i can't view the page ,are there
someone knows how to do with it,please help me,thank u:) 那个bbs慢得要死,我用mozilla1.1b可以正常浏览。
i update my mozilla to 1.1b,but it also incorrect:(
does it need some configuation?it appears like this :(
hlpe me:( 算了吧,mozilla对javascript的支持很烂,网页上的一些东西该显示的不显示,不该显示的他显示。下面两副图第一幅是用IE浏览的,第二幅是用mozilla1.1b浏览的。要进这个xici这个bbs你还是用windows吧。 mozilla的