xuehua 发表于 2003-4-10 09:32:26


mount usb filesystem   :failed
initializing usb hid interface :failed
initializing usb keyboard:failed
initializing usb mouse :failed
bringing up interface eth0: failed

Code maturity level options:prompt for development and/or incomplete code/drivers   yes
networking options: The Ipv6protocol    yes


surfingbean 发表于 2003-4-10 09:51:06

i don't know much about ipv6. but why don't u look carefully again at ur kernel configurations about usb and net card?
u never know if there's something wrong.
and it seems to me that you need more than that for ipv6.
in fact i'm learn the kernel compiling and ipv6 too. not yet an expert, just some advices.

Dragonfly 发表于 2003-4-10 10:23:37

xuehua, have u ever compile that kernel code before? if not, then that kernel config is still a default one. and u need choose many. u had better check currently used modules list, and check u hardware before u do this.

recompile kernel is like reinstalling u windows. for windows, check u hardware in device manager and make sure u can find all driver code. then go further, otherwise u will find that u can not use this or that. so for linux. u also need do similar work.

xuehua 发表于 2003-4-10 11:09:26

cheungming 你的意思是在编译内核时除了一些你要加的选项之外,还要把所有你要用的东西在重选一编吗?可是有些是默认的呀,还要在重来吗?我以为只要加上你要添的就可以了,这样不行吗?

Dragonfly 发表于 2003-4-10 11:13:52

no, i mean if u do not compile the kenel before. then the config file in u kernel code does not reflect u current running configuration. so u need to check it again to see if all u need are choosed.

xuehua 发表于 2003-4-10 11:35:45


llc 发表于 2003-4-10 12:28:58

这样,如果你以前没自己编译过内核,直接make xconfig时用的是一个默认的config,但不是你现在所用内核的config,老实说,这个默认的config是个垃圾,千万别完全照着它的配置编译
真正的你现在所用内核的配置config是在/usr/src/your kernel SOUCE/configs目录下,相应你现在所用CPU体系的.config文件

surfingbean 发表于 2003-4-10 12:44:55


xuehua 发表于 2003-4-10 12:51:20

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