使用1.3.0,用skyeye -e u-boot可执行elf,并运行起来u-boot,但是我想运行u-boot.bin,使用如下两种conf都无法start
# physical memory
mem_bank: map=F, type=RW, addr=0x00000000, size=0x01000000, file=./u-boot.bin,boot=yes
mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0xc0000000, size=0x00800000
mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0xc0800000, size=0x00800000, file=./initrd.img
mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0xc1000000, size=0x03000000
arch: arm
cpu info: armv4, arm920t, 41009200, ff00fff0, 2
In do_mach_option, mach info: name s3c2410x, mach_init addr 0xb526a0
ethmod num=1, mac addr=8:0:3e:26:a:5b, hostip=
uart_mod:3, desc_in:, desc_out:, converter:
In create_uart_console
Loaded FLASH ./u-boot.bin
Loaded RAM ./initrd.img
SKYEYE: use arm920t mmu ops
In SIM_start, Set PC to the address 0x0
段错误 (core dumped)
conf2:# physical memory
mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x00000000, size=0x01000000, file=./u-boot.bin,boot=yes
mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0xc0000000, size=0x00800000
mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0xc0800000, size=0x00800000, file=./initrd.img
mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0xc1000000, size=0x03000000
arch: arm
cpu info: armv4, arm920t, 41009200, ff00fff0, 2
In do_mach_option, mach info: name s3c2410x, mach_init addr 0xb526a0
ethmod num=1, mac addr=8:0:3e:26:a:5b, hostip=
uart_mod:3, desc_in:, desc_out:, converter:
In create_uart_console
Loaded RAM ./u-boot.bin
Loaded RAM ./initrd.img
SKYEYE: use arm920t mmu ops
In SIM_start, Set PC to the address 0x0
段错误 (core dumped)
我也遇到里这样的问题,还望高手解答。 用u-boot 1.2 的版本试过了。下面这种是可以的。mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x00000000, size=0x01000000,file=./u-boot.bin,boot=yes
mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x30000000, size=0x04000000
mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0xc0800000, size=0x00800000,file=./initrd.img
mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0xC0000000, size=0x04000000
mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0xc1000000, size=0x03000000
arch: arm
cpu info: armv4, arm920t, 41009200, ff00fff0, 2
In do_mach_option, mach info: name s3c2410x, mach_init addr 0x7f6c384c2180
ethmod num=1, mac addr=8:0:3e:26:a:5b, hostip=
uart_mod:3, desc_in:, desc_out:, converter:
In create_uart_console
Loaded RAM ./u-boot.bin
Loaded RAM ./initrd.img
SKYEYE: use arm920t mmu ops
In SIM_start, Set PC to the address 0x0
(running)ERROR: s3c2410x_io_write_word(0x4c000000) = 0x00ffffff
ERROR: s3c2410x_io_write_word(0x4c000008) = 0x00048032
...... KSH老大让我跟这个问题。 不知道你的环境有什么差别。
按您的配置无法运行成功哦(skyeye1.3 + u-boot 1.3)
还是"段错误",u-boot1.2 还没试skyeye.cong
# skyeye config file for S3C2410Xarch:arm
cpu: arm920t
mach: s3c2410x
# physical memory
mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x00000000, size=0x01000000,file=./u-boot.bin,boot=yes
mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x30000000, size=0x04000000
mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0xc0800000, size=0x00800000,file=./initrd.img
mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0xC0000000, size=0x04000000
mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0xc1000000, size=0x03000000
# all peripherals I/O mapping area
mem_bank: map=I, type=RW, addr=0x48000000, size=0x20000000
mem_bank: map=I, type=RW, addr=0x19000300, size=0x00000020
net: type=cs8900a, base=0x19000300, size=0x20,int=9, mac=08:00:3E:26:0A:5B, ethmod=tuntap, hostip=
nandflash: type=s3c2410x,name=K9F1208U0B,dump=./nand.dump
#lcd: type=s3c2410x, mod=gtk
arch: arm
cpu info: armv4, arm920t, 41009200, ff00fff0, 2
In do_mach_option, mach info: name s3c2410x, mach_init addr 0x65b7970
ethmod num=1, mac addr=8:0:3e:26:a:5b, hostip=
nandflash: dump ./nand.dump
file size:69206016
uart_mod:3, desc_in:, desc_out:, converter:
In create_uart_console
Loaded RAM ./u-boot.bin
Loaded RAM ./initrd.img
SKYEYE: use arm920t mmu ops
In SIM_start, Set PC to the address 0x0
段错误 编译了u-boot1.3 可以运行的。
skyeye config file for S3C2410X
cpu: arm920t
mach: s3c2410x
# physical memory
mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x00000000, size=0x00100000
mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x30000000, size=0x03F80000
mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x33F80000, size=0x00080000, file=./u-boot.bin,boot=yes
# all peripherals I/O mapping area
mem_bank: map=I, type=RW, addr=0x48000000, size=0x20000000
mem_bank: map=I, type=RW, addr=0x19000300, size=0x00000020
nandflash: type=s3c2410x,name=K9F1208U0B,dump=./nand.dump
按您的配置还是失败!但u-boot elf格式执行正常
root@self-ubuntu:/home/u-boot# skyeyeSkyEye is an Open Source project under GPL. All rights of different parts or modules are reserved by their author. Any modification or redistributions of SkyEye should note remove or modify the annoucement of SkyEye copyright.
Get more information about it, please visit the homepage http://www.skyeye.org.
Type "help" to get command list.
arch: arm
cpu info: armv4, arm920t, 41009200, ff00fff0, 2
In do_mach_option, mach info: name s3c2410x, mach_init addr 0x37b4970
nandflash: dump ./nand.dump
file size:69206016
uart_mod:3, desc_in:, desc_out:, converter:
In create_uart_console
Unkonw option: dbct
In skyeye_read_config, Config format is wrong.
Loaded RAM ./u-boot.bin
SKYEYE: use arm920t mmu ops
In SIM_start, Set PC to the address 0x33f80000
段错误 可能是环境的问题,你的系统和版本以及硬件平台是什么?
MK vmserver+ubuntu 9.10
交叉编译: gcc version 4.3.2 (Sourcery G++ Lite 2008q3-72)
内核: linux- 我的vmware + ubuntu9.10 + skyeye1.3.0 也出现了同样的问题,elf格式可以,但bin格式也是段错误。