sunnystar 发表于 2003-4-20 17:01:48

请指教 我是linux新手,如何开始阅读内核原码?

请指教 我是linux新手,如何开始阅读内核原码?

levent 发表于 2003-4-21 16:03:58


Dragonfly 发表于 2003-4-22 04:38:43

read a os book first if u do not do that before. then write some c code to be familar with c if u do not do that before. then read understanding linux kernel book frist 3 chapters. if u can understand less than 30%. then u can give up wisely. not everybody need to know how tv is made out if he really use it only.

肩上有只蝴蝶 发表于 2003-4-25 09:45:01


wsm 发表于 2003-4-25 13:22:06

晕倒 这里可不是水区啊 我看了一本书外加n个头文件的结果就是:除非你也想开发一个系统或者闲着无聊找点事做 否则没什么必要完整看内核代码

coldwind 发表于 2003-4-25 20:18:46

Re: 请指教 我是linux新手,如何开始阅读内核原码?

请指教 我是linux新手,如何开始阅读内核原码?


Dragonfly 发表于 2003-4-25 21:33:22

yes coldwind is right. u should have the need before u read kernel source. if everybody read then u read, that is not wise. my situation is because i need program on fs, block level, and scsi layer. so i read them. in fact, i still do not know how system boot up until recently. combining it with u needs. that is the most important. otherwise you can not last too long. i bet.

foz 发表于 2003-4-27 19:26:59


................................其实我也想读!哈!哈! :-D

Dragonfly 发表于 2003-4-27 23:34:37

Re: 欲读“内核源码"必先"挥刀自攻"!

................................其实我也想读!哈!哈! :-D

i do not think so. that day may be too far away to come if u do not have needed basics and a target.

coldwind 发表于 2003-4-28 20:17:51

Re: 欲读“内核源码"必先"挥刀自攻"!

................................其实我也想读!哈!哈! :-D

光凭着一腔热情就想读完linux kernel是不现实的,而且即使读完对你也不会有什么太大的帮助,linux里一个驱动程序我读过几遍,完全了解了它的结构,又调试过它,我都不敢说算是真正的理解了它

Dragonfly 发表于 2003-4-28 21:57:18

coldwind, u are right. so i always say that u need read it with goals.

coldwind 发表于 2003-4-29 19:54:39


Dragonfly 发表于 2003-4-29 21:54:22

hehe, of course. when u want to do sth, u need courage from others. but the reality is terrible.

Dragonfly 发表于 2003-4-29 22:00:39

but reality is always terrible.
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