1、触摸板能够使用,说明驱动有了。dmesg|grep -i synaptics,没有结果。2、触摸板工具不能使用,无法关闭触摸板。自己修改了xorg.conf,加了Load "synaptics"等,依然无效。
回复 2# haulm 的帖子
问题是我两台笔记本,一台 sony vgn-sr45可以,dmesg|grep -i synaptics有结果,而且可以用synclient touchpadoff=1关掉或打开touchpad。而另一台dell m6600就可以使用touchpad,但无法关闭。真是郁闷!都不知道区别在哪儿。 系统里面只有 libsynaptics, synaptics 很久没有更新维护,已经无法编译应用。rpm -qf /usr/bin/synclient
我在网上摘抄到以下这些内容,希望对你有帮助,如果以下操作是有效的,我可以考虑写成 GUI 程序对触摸板进行管理。
#nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Section “InputDevice”
Identifier “Synaptics Touchpad”
Driver “synaptics”
Option “SendCoreEvents” “true”
Option “Device” “/dev/psaux”
Option “Protocol” “auto-dev”
Option “HorizScrollDelta” “0″
# 打开共享内存控制
Option “SHMConfig” “on”
# 触摸板初始化为关闭
Option “TouchpadOff” “1″
# 触摸板初始化为开启
Option “TouchpadOff” “0″
# 关闭触摸板
synclient touchpadoff=1
# 打开触摸板
synclient touchpadoff=0
命令太长了可以在 $HOME/.bashrc建立两个alias
alias synoff=’synclient touchpadoff=1′
alias synon=’synclient touchpadoff=0′
. ~/.bashrc
Option “MinSpeed” “0.3″
Option “MaxSpeed” “0.75″
可根据自己的需要调整数值,数值越大速度越快 原帖由 superhxl 于 2012-5-10 20:16 发表 http://forum.linuxfans.org/images/common/back.gif
问题是我两台笔记本,一台 sony vgn-sr45可以,dmesg|grep -i synaptics有结果,而且可以用synclient touchpadoff=1关掉或打开touchpad。而另一台dell m6600就可以使用touchpad,但无法关闭。真是郁闷!都不知道区别在哪儿。 ...
或者速度要是能调的话调到最慢好了。 原帖由 haulm 于 2012-5-10 20:17 发表 http://forum.linuxfans.org/images/common/back.gif
系统里面只有 libsynaptics, synaptics 很久没有更新维护,已经无法编译应用。
rpm -qf /usr/bin/synclient
我在网上摘抄到以下这些内容,希望对你有帮助,如果以下操作是有效的 ... 已经试过了,不行!因为根本就不加载synaptics。运行synclient得到:Couldn't find synaptics properties. No synaptics driver loaded?
.终于看到一些相关内容:似乎是touchpad被认为是PS/2 generic mouse, 原帖地址:https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=126692,但是还没看懂! 发现synaptics一点作用都没有,所以把带有synaptics字样的包全部卸载了!触摸板还是原来的状态。
另在测试过程中,输入xinput list,结果显示“XI2 not supported”。ml的xorg好像是最新版的,怎么不支持呢? X12 ?不是 X11么? http://www.x.org/wiki/XI2
XI2 provides a number of features over the previous X Input Extension 1.x:
Explicit support for the master/slave device hierarchy. In X servers supporting XI2 there are two general types of devices - master devices and slave devices. Slave devices (SDs) usually represent a physical input device connected to the host computer. Master devices (MDs) are virtual input devices that are controlled by the physical input devices. Master devices appear as master pointers (i.e. a visible cursor) and master keyboards (i.e. a keyboard focus). Each time an SD generates an event, this event is passed through the MD to the respective application.
Support for multiple master devices. XI2 provides applications with the ability to create additional pairs of master devices (i.e one cursor and one keyboard focus). Through dynamic reattachment of SDs applications can control which physical device controls which visible cursor/keyboard focus. This allows multiple co-located users to collaborate on a single screen.
Support for 32 bit keycodes. Many multimedia keys cannot be processed in current X servers as the core protocol limits keycodes to a maximum of 255. Applications built against XI2 may receive keycodes up to 32 bit.
Support for latched/locked/base modifiers in input events.
Support for sub-pixel coordinates in input events.
Support for dynamic devices. Device may change capabilities at runtime (e.g. attaching additional buttons)
Support for relative motion events
Simplified API for retrieving device information and selecting and receiving input events. 触摸板问题应该是kernel的一个bug,见https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Touchpad_Synaptics
Touchpad detected as "PS/2 Generic Mouse" or "Logitech PS/2 mouse"
This is caused by a kernel bug which was fixed in kernel version 3.3. Wrongly detected touchpads cannot be configured with the Synaptic input driver. To fix this, simply install the AUR package psmouse-elantech.
Among the affected notebooks are the following models:
Acer Aspire 7750G
Dell Latitude e6520 (ALPS touchpad), Inspiron N5110 (ALPS GlidePoint)
Samsung NC110/NF210/QX310/QX410/QX510/SF310/SF410/SF510/RF410/RF510/RF710/RV515
You can check whether your touchpad is correctly detected by running:
所以能否发布一下freediom的新版kernel,3.3以上的都已经修正这个bug。我自己编译过几次一直不行。ft! 现在内核为 3.4.4 了,不知道解决问题没有。 新版还没安装,应该没问题!我之前编译过3.37内核,没问题!