delphi 发表于 2003-4-28 13:02:57

"vmware setup step "注意before install on a linux host 下

Before Installing on a Linux Host

Before you install and run VMware Workstation, check the following notes and make any necessary adjustments to the configuration of your host operating system.

The real-time clock function must be compiled into your Linux kernel.
VMware Workstation for Linux requires that the parallel port PC-style hardware option (CONFIG_PARPORT_PC) be built and loaded as a kernel module (that is, it must be set to m when the kernel is compiled).

Installing the VMware Workstation Software

Note: The steps below describe an installation from a CD-ROM disc. If you downloaded the software, the steps are the same except that you start from the directory where you saved the installer file you downloaded, not from the Linux directory on the CD.

Log on to your Linux host with the user name you plan to use when running VMware Workstation.
In a terminal window, become root so you can perform the initial installation steps.
su -
Mount the VMware Workstation CD-ROM.
Change to the Linux directory on the CD.
Do one of the following:
To use the RPM installer, run RPM specifying the installation file.
rpm -Uhv VMware-<xxx>.rpm
(where VMware-<xxx>.rpm is the installation file on the CD; in place of <xxx> the filename contains numbers that correspond to the version and build)
Note: If you are upgrading from VMware Workstation 3.0, you must take a special step before you install the RPM package. You need to remove the prebuilt modules RPM package included in the 3.0 release. To remove the modules, type the following at a command prompt:
rpm -e VMwareWorkstationKernelModules

To use the tar installer, you may copy a tar archive to your hard disk and install following the directions below. Or you may skip the steps for copying and unpacking the archive and install directly from the vmware-distrib directory on the CD.
Copy the tar archive to a directory on your hard drive - for example, to/tmp.
cp VMware-<xxx>.tar.gz /tmp
Change to the directory to which you copied the file.
cd /tmp
Unpack the archive.
tar zxf VMware-<xxxx>.tar.gz
Change to the installation directory.
cd vmware-distrib
Run the installation script.
Accept the default directories for binary files, library files, manual files, documentation files and init script.
Run the configuration script.
Note: If you use the RPM installer, you need to run this script separately from the command line. If you install from the tar archive, the installer offers to launch the configuration script for you. Answer Yes when you see the prompt.

Use this script to reconfigure VMware Workstation whenever you upgrade your kernel. It is not necessary to reinstall VMware Workstation after you upgrade your kernel.

You can also use to reconfigure the networking options for VMware Workstation - for example, to add or remove host-only networks.

Press Enter to read the end user license agreement (EULA). You may page through it by pressing the space bar. If the Do you accept prompt doesn't appear, press Q to get to the next prompt.
The remaining prompts are worded in such a way that, in most cases, the default response is appropriate. Some exceptions are noted here:
The configuration script prompts you
Do you want this script to automatically configure your system to allow your virtual machines to access the host's file system?
If you already have Samba running on your host computer, answer No.
If Samba is not already running on your host computer, answer Yes to this question; the VMware Workstation installer configures it for you. When prompted for a user name and password to use with the Samba configuration, enter the user name you used in step 1 above.
To enable host-only networking, respond Yes to the following prompts if they appear:
Do you want your virtual machines to be able to use the host's network resources?
Do you want to be able to use host-only networking in your virtual machines?
Do you want this script to probe for an unused private subnet?
This allows for the sharing of files between the virtual machine and the host operating system. For more information, see Host-Only Networking.

Note: If you do not enable host-only networking now, you cannot allow a virtual machine to use both bridged and host-only networking.

The configuration program displays a message saying the configuration completed successfully. If it does not display this message, run the configuration program again.
When done, exit from the root account.

delphi 发表于 2003-4-28 13:04:28

The real-time clock function must be compiled into your Linux kernel
如何开启这个real-time clock function,在内核编译时的那个项目下叫何名字我为何没找到

llc 发表于 2003-4-28 13:37:11

rtc,在character devices--enhanced real time clock support

delphi 发表于 2003-4-28 15:57:16

问题已找到,vmware workstation 4.0在amd-k62上不能装,
页: [1]
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