如果您想学Linux却担心安装Linux时硬盘数据丢失,如果您希望能够在Linux和Window$之间进行方便快速的切换……推荐您使用Vmware或者Vitual PC这两种软件,用它们中的任意一个,在你的Window$下搭建出一个虚拟的机器,让您安装、方便地迈进Linux的殿堂。不过,还是建议您按常规方法安装,虚拟机毕竟慢多了。[下载地址]
vmware 完全实现心得
在VMware 安装RedHat 新手教程
使用VMware安装Magic Linux注意事项
vmware3.2安装magiclinux 虚拟/ 物理机
VMware Workstation 4.0.0 Build 4460-atfa:未测试SN是否正确
VMware Workstation 4.0.0 Build 4460
FINAL for Windows.
FINAL for Linux.
S/N: 6AHAG-EJL48-AGP74-4U0LD Vmware4.0正式版下载
VMware Workstation 4.0.0 Build 4460
FINAL for Windows.
FINAL for Linux.
http://vmware-svca.www.conxion.com/software/VMware-workstation-4.0.0-4460.tar.gz [常见问题]
關於在vmware 里面安裝顯卡的問題
vmware中配置debian X的问题
只要机器够弓虽,一点问题都没有的 :lol:
【分享】VMware 4 Keygen for Linux、for win 那会很慢的。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 那会很慢的。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
就是声音效果不理想! 我还是喜欢正常安装,这样子感觉起来更加真实啊.
各位老大:我装了一个vmware4.0版通过vmware-config.pl配置以后运行成功了,但今天我又来时却不行了出现如下错误:VMware workstation is installed, but it has not been(correctly)
configured for yout running kernl. To (re-)configure it ,yout system information,please read file "INSTALL"in the VMWARE workstationdocumentation directory.
接着我又进行配置又出现如下情况:None of VMware Workstation's pre-built vmmon modules is suitable for your
running kernel.Do you want this program to try to build the vmmon module for
your system (you need to have a C compiler installed on your system)? [yes}我接了y
What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running
kernel? 接着我就不知道我该 怎么做了?我刚接触linux 加之我英语不是很好。肯请各位老大以后多多帮助,小弟在这里先谢谢了,。小弟呈 估计你应该输入yes或者干脆不输入什么,因为默认就是yes了. 我在linuxfans下载拉VMware4.0安装,由于是rpm,安装后却不知如何使用,他在桌面和菜单里都没有图标,我的系统是redhat9.0,是GNome桌面。安装提示也是好的。 运行vmware-congfig.pl后提示我找不到gcc,如何办? Stopping VMware services:
Virtual machine monitor [确定]
Trying to find a suitable vmmon module for your running kernel.
None of VMware Workstation's pre-built vmmon modules is suitable for your
running kernel.Do you want this program to try to build the vmmon module for
your system (you need to have a C compiler installed on your system)?
Setup is unable to find the "gcc" program on your machine.Please make sure it
is installed.Do you want to specify the location of this program by hand?
What is the location of the "gcc" program on your machine?
Re: 我的vmware怎么了?
各位老大:我装了一个vmware4.0版通过vmware-config.pl配置以后运行成功了,但今天我又来时却不行了出现如下错误:VMware workstation is installed, but it has not been(correctly)
configured for yout running kernl. To (re-)configure it ,yout system information,please read file "INSTALL"in the VMWARE workstationdocumentation directory.
接着我又进行配置又出现如下情况:None of VMware Workstation's pre-built vmmon modules is suitable for your
running kernel.Do you want this program to try to build the vmmon module for
your system (you need to have a C compiler installed on your system)? [yes}我接了y
What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running
kernel? 接着我就不知道我该 怎么做了?我刚接触linux 加之我英语不是很好。肯请各位老大以后多多帮助,小弟在这里先谢谢了,。小弟呈
我也是一個初學者,我的安裝vmware-tools的時候也有這樣的問題,是說要重建模組,所以隻要你安裝過gcc就行了,vmware-tools安裝的過程一路回車就行了。 我用的是VPC,装Mandrake 9.1,速度还可以。主要是安装方便,不需要刻盘。
而是可以通过网上邻居通信。可以在开发网络程序时很方便的测试。 在用 VMWARE 安装 LINUX时候,请将 Linux 的 Kernel Souce Code 安装上,否则可能会出现 Vmware Tools无法安装成功的现象(找不到 C语言 Head 文件) 我用的是WMware4。0workstation build4460,在安装RD9。0时,总是报“无法打开XPDF-2.01-8软件包”,多次尝试,都是同样的问题,我用WinRD5测试过我下载的三个ISO文件,RD5码都正确!分别是
af38ac4316ba20df2dec5f990913396d shrike-i386-disc3.iso
6b8ba42f56b397d536826c78c9679c0a shrike-i386-disc2.iso
400c7fb292c73b793fb722532abd09ad shrike-i386-disc1.iso
请高手帮忙呀!我急呀!谢谢了! 不错的软件,就是我的内存太小了~