minidreamer 发表于 2003-5-3 00:05:57


1.关于usb的,usb hid ;usb keyboard; usb mouse;模块无法加载(failed,是因为我没有把usb模块编译进去造成的?)
2.Mounting local filesystem: mount: fs type devpts not supported by local kernel
mount :wrong fs type, bad option,bad superblock on none or too many mounted filesystem.
3. 有关ip_tables部分全部出错(can't locate module ip_tables)

4 无法进入X,错误信息如下
failed to load /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/
failed to load modules "glx"(loader failed,7)
NVIDIA(0):Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module
screen(s) found but none have a usable configuration

pivotroot:pivotroot(/sysroot,/sysroot/initrd)failed :2
umount /initrd/proc failed:2
kernel panic: No init foundtry passing init=option to kernel


Dragonfly 发表于 2003-5-3 01:54:12

1) u need choose usb related options as module, and do make modules, make module_install. u need not choose Y here, M is enough. Since rh rc.sysinit will try to load usb module when boot, so u choose M can let rh find these modules correctly. If you choose to link them into kernel by 'Y', u usb part will work correctly while rh still report some fails. but that is only fail to load module, not fail to work.

2) u need choose   [*] /dev/pts file system for Unix98 PTYs in file system

3) do u include iptable? can u post the error here? i am not quite familar with iptables. i do not do firewall research for a long time.

4) which kernel u compile? nvidia kernel module will be in /lib/modules/2.4.xx-x/video/nvidia.o. if u compile kernel and generate a new /lib/modules/2.4.xx-x dir.(because u change kernel version), u have to recompile nvidia kenrel driver for this kernel. but once u compile the nvidia kenrel, u need not do it after u recompile same version of linux kernel.

5) for u old kernel do u regenerate the initrd.img?

be sure to answer this question, u recompile with 2.4.20? vanilla? 2.4.20-8 come with u rh, or 2.4.20-9?

minidreamer 发表于 2003-5-3 12:31:22


第三个问题,我再去查查看。不过make xconfig的时候应该选中这一项了(如果有的话,因为我不记得里面有没有关于ip_table的内容了)。

minidreamer 发表于 2003-5-3 14:00:55


start service iptables(y)es/(n)o/(c)ontinue?
Flushing all current rles and user defined chains: modprobe :can't locate module ip_tables
iptables v1.2.7a:can't initialize iptables table 'filter':iptables who? (do you need to insmod ?)
perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgrade                                    

Clearing all current rles and user defined chains: modprobe :can't locate module ip_tables
iptables v1.2.7a:can't initialize iptables table 'filter':iptables who? (do you need to insmod ?)
perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgrade                                    

Applying iptables firewall rules: modprobe:can't locate module iptables
iptables-restore v1.2.7a :iptables-restore:nable to initialize 'filter'.
Try 'iptables-restore -h' or iptables-restore --help' for ore information            



Dragonfly 发表于 2003-5-4 07:02:29

yes, i think u do not compile the iptables, shoudl be that net filter option. u can read Documentation/ to know more. only need search iptable.
for u old kernel boot problem, i really do not know since u change nothing. bad luck. hehe.
yes, boot script is that rc.sysinit. u can learn sh script if u like, not so difficult.
these yes /no is printed out by printf, not printk. so u can not use dmesg to find them.

u are always welcome.

cnhnln 发表于 2003-5-4 10:49:23

ntsysv 取消iptable相关的项目
dmesg | less(可以前后翻页)或者dmesg > dmesg.txt 重定向到当前目录下的dmesg.txt文件.然后你看这个文件就行了

Dragonfly 发表于 2003-5-4 10:54:47

ntsysv 取消iptable相关的项目
dmesg | less(可以前后翻页)或者dmesg > dmesg.txt 重定向到当前目录下的dmesg.txt文件.然后你看这个文件就行了
what is ntsysv? abbreviation for what? hehe.

what he asked is those ''... ok, ... fail..'' these are printed by printf not printk. so dmesg can not see. :wink::wink::wink:

cnhnln 发表于 2003-5-4 11:14:01

呵呵,没注意看. 错了,抱歉:oops:就当是灌水吧:mrgreen:

ntsysv 是RH管理启动服务的工具. 我觉得应该可以

Dragonfly 发表于 2003-5-4 11:31:58

that's fine.
if kernel does not have this support, u can not use ntsysv acheives that.

cnhnln 发表于 2003-5-4 12:27:04


minidreamer 发表于 2003-5-4 19:58:35


minidreamer 发表于 2003-5-4 20:35:27

pivotroot:pivotroot(/sysroot,/sysroot/initrd)failed :2
umount /initrd/proc failed:2
kernel panic: No init found try passing init=option to kernel


cnhnln 发表于 2003-5-4 21:33:34

关闭服务不一定要重起。"/etc/init.d/iptables stop"(类似其他的服务名也可以,你可以用"table"键进行命令补全)(每种服务有不同的参数,你可以执行"/etc/init.d/iptables",它会显示相关参数,例如start stop restart 等)也可以 "service iptables stop"


不用initrdxxxxx.img也可以启动的。mkinitrd的时候要用你的新内核的版本号。例如"mkinitrd initrd2.4.20-new.img 2.4.20-new" 2.4.20-new是你的新内核的对应模块所在目录。在/lib/modules/目录下

Dragonfly 发表于 2003-5-4 22:34:40

cnhnln is right. u can use that command to shutdown service directly instead of rebooting. this is much better than windoze. most of the service can be operated liek this. go /etc/init.d to see how many services u have.

u vanilla 2.4.20 kernel should have no problem with alsa 0.92. i am using it. 0.93 should be ok as well, cnhnln tested it , right?

for each kernel, its initrd is different, u can not use one for others. try to add an entry that is the same as u old one except without that initrd option in u grub.conf to see if it can boot.

Dragonfly 发表于 2003-5-5 08:20:15

i check the doc and think that u old kernel fails when userland code calls pivot_root system call.
so a question for u, do u change that initrd.xx.img file. for example, u generate a new one and overwrite the old one? if not, then it is very strange.
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查看完整版本: 新编译的内核能启动了,但是还有好多问题