风继续吹 发表于 2003-5-21 21:01:03



Dragonfly 发表于 2003-5-21 21:40:08

u had better do this.
before 2.4.18 i think, they are uncompress to linux, so remove that symbol link can avoid to overwrite u existed kernel.
after 2.4.18, they uncompress to linux-2.x.x. so will not overwrite existed one. but update the linux symbol link to the kernel dir u wnat to use is a good choice.

jjww 发表于 2003-5-21 21:55:40

问一句,在make menuconfig的时候,产生的config文件存在何处?
我只是通过另存才看见我config的内容, 和FreeBSD完全不一样,还没适应过来。:(



顺便就在这里问dragonfly了,回去看书了,呜呜,今晚又没看考试的书,怎么过呀?! :oops::roll:

Dragonfly 发表于 2003-5-21 22:03:39

yes, freebsd is different with linux. i compiled bsd before in order to use dummynet and include some of my nic driver.
ls -a, it is a .config file.
module is loaded when need, but kernel is always there. save u some kernel space. load time...
yes, u are right, the order in kernel is fixed, u can not adjust the order, at least as far as i know. i think the assumption in kernel is that it load key part in a fixed order, and other parts can be reordered, like the order in init.d and rc.sysinit

Dragonfly 发表于 2003-5-21 22:04:18

btw, i can discuss with dr jin about u test. hehe

jjww 发表于 2003-5-22 20:34:52


也就是说,如果我编写一个子系统,很特殊,必须在VFS加载前完成,难道还需要我在vfs_caches_init()函数前加上该子系统的初始化调用吗? 如果这样,我觉得linux在模块化的灵活控制方面比FreeBSD差了一些,在FreeBSD看来,无论是内核模块还是内核本身都是一样的,好比我打算写一个driver,在确定之前,一般用module形式,FreeBSD可以在开机的时候通过rc.conf设置动态加载,然后在平台无关性部分,根据该driver提供的子系统号等信息,采用冒泡法排序,因此,只要我在模块里指定它的加载等级SI_SUB_xxx就可以了。当然,如果需要开发一个完全自己的子系统,也可以在kernel.h里添加自己的子系统编号,不过一般用不到这么复杂。:)


thx again

Dragonfly 发表于 2003-5-22 21:54:41

yes, if that is needed before bfs, u have to modify the start_kernel(). but think again if u really need load that part before vfs init. so u can see that start_kernel() only contain a small set of init. most of them can be init later or on demand.
i think for freebsd, there must be an order as well. for example, u can not load vfs before vm sub system, u can not init pci beofre u init interrupt table and trap. so some orders are already fixed.
most of the driver modules can by dynamically loaded by using config file in linux.

i think ldd 2nd chapter 2 and chpater 11, qjfx chapter 8, already are too good to be true. so i have nothing to say here.:wink:but if sb have problem, he will ask here and i will answer.
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